On a recent visit to York, I had a good look inside York Minster. The place is a great build; with its large and gothic architecture, and is an incredible 1,387 years old. I sat and looked around and felt proud that our people had built this magnificent building so long ago.
When leaving, I thought of our youth, especially those from inner Manchester, where I’m from. A good many of the schools are majority non-white now, and I fear for their future. When I was a teenager, the British Movement handed out leaflets to youngsters as they left by the school gates. This happened up and down the land.
Today, with our youngsters being outnumbered in many schools, it would be difficult for BM to recruit by this method. The ‘de-whiting’ of the major cities and many towns right across Europe has put our race in a dangerous place.
There is no sympathy for the poor of the Victorian period from our enemies with their worldview. Media programmes and television ads show that race mixing is normal, and is always presented in a positive light. A state of affairs that a majority of our grandparents would have found hard to even imagine.
The importance of our task can never be underestimated, and failure is not an option; each individual plays a role, and each role is important. We can see the importance of each role when we view our National Socialist media and see the British Movement is alive and well, and we know that we must keep up the good work and take pride in helping our struggle.
Stay strong, stay within the law and stay loyal to the cause. Together we will build a movement to save the white race.
From a Manchester National Socialist.
Main Images: MatzeTrier, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
Lower Image: Diliff, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
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