An article by council insider and Nationalist contributor ‘Frustrated’.
Previous posts in this series can be found here: Part One / Part Two /
The Alarming ‘Jewishness’ of Communism.
The many reports from Russia by the foreign ambassadors, newspaper correspondents and even Methodist missionaries that witnessed the Russian Revolution, all reported about the very obvious ‘Jewishness’ of the Bolshevik leaders that took over the Russian capital of Petrograd in late 1917.
The most alarming and prophetic report was made by the Netherlands ambassador, Oudendyke, who witnessed the Bolshevik takeover of the then Russian capital city of Petrograd. The Bolsheviks moved their capital to Moscow in March 1918 as it was easier for Trotsky’s ‘Red Army’ to defend.
After the closure of the British Embassy, the Netherlands ambassador Oudendyke became in charge of British interests in Russia, In September 1918, in his famous “Oudendyke Report” he warned the British Home Secretary, Arthur Balfour of this growing threat from ‘Jewish Bolshevism: “I consider that the immediate suppression of Bolshevism is the greatest issue now before the world, not even excluding the war which is still raging, and unless Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe, and the whole world, as it is organised and worked by Jews, who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things.” Sadly, Oudendyke’s prophetic words went unheeded!
In his 1920 book, ‘The Last Days of the Romanovs’ Robert Wilton, The Times of London’s man-in-Moscow from 1902 through to 1919, chronicled the murders in Ekaterinberg, Siberia, of the last Tsar of Russia, Nicholas II and his family. Wilton described their gory murders at the hands of their mostly Jewish Bolshevik executioners. Wilton also detailed the overwhelmingly Jewish ethnicity of the members of the early Soviet government and their ‘Cheka’ (state secret police) that carried out the murders of millions of Christians and other political opponents of the communist regime.
The overwhelming numbers of Jews involved in leading the European revolutionary communist movements during the early twentieth century caused many Europeans to view the Jews with fear and suspicion. Many believed that this world-wide communist movement itself was a tool of super-rich Jewish bankers, who were financing communist revolts in order to take over their native countries!
These Jewish bankers were only using communism to replace the ruling Christian aristocracy with their new controllable and fellow Jewish communist ruling elite. Even Winston Churchill wrote of this world Jewish communist conspiracy to rule the world in his famous 1920 newspaper article.
Indeed, when Winston Churchill highlighted this ugly truth in his renowned newspaper article in the ‘Illustrated Sunday Herald’ titled, “Zionism versus Bolshevism, a struggle for the soul of the Jewish people”, then millions of people became aware that Communism was organized by Jews.
It then became inevitable that in response to this clear danger of a ‘Jewish’ Bolshevik takeover of Europe that anti-communist movements would form in countries threatened by the communists. In Italy it was Fascism; in Germany it was National Socialism, and in Spain it was Franco’s nationalism.
After reading what I feel is the truth about this Jewish role in spreading Bolshevism in the Russian and other Red revolutions in books like Gary Allen’s ‘None Dare Call It Conspiracy’, I feel obliged, (as Winston Churchill did in 1920) to inform my countrymen of this disturbing truth and historical fact!
Students of the ‘Russian’ Revolution, the fraudulent US Federal Reserve scam and the plans of the super-rich banker ‘insiders’ to create a World Government can read Gary Allen’s book online. It is not ‘antisemitic’ to mention the prevalence of Jews that took over Russia in late 1917 through a communist revolution. But modern historians try to ignore this truth as they fear being attacked and financially ruined if they dare to mention this conspiracy of so many Jews to spread communism.
Nonetheless, I feel curious, open minded students of history need to be informed of this troubling truth in order for them to better understand the rise of Mussolini and Hitler after World War One.
Main Image: Winston Churchill’s famous article in the Illustrated Sunday Herald.
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