The Bad Consequences Of The Balfour Declaration – Part Three

balfour declaration

An article by council insider and Nationalist contributor ‘Frustrated’.

I concluded part two of this series of articles by reiterating that it was an historic mistake of Britain and its allies not to have accepted an honourable peace offer that was made by Germany in late 1916 that would have ended World War One two years earlier than when it finally did end on the 11th of November 1918.

I have based this series of articles on the revelations of Benjamin H. Freedman, who was a principal Jewish insider and defector who converted to Catholicism. Freedman became sick of the way in which influential American Jews misused the USA’s military to fight wars to further their Zionist interests, especially regarding their designs on Palestine, which was part of the Turkish empire before World War One.

According to Benjamin H. Freedman, the main reason that Britain rejected Germany’s 1916 peace offer was because the Zionists convinced the British war cabinet that they could bring the USA into the war on its side later in 1917, enabling Britain to defeat Germany, Austro-Hungary and Turkey.

Most historians agree that Communism in Russia, Fascism in Italy and National Socialism in Germany were all the unintended consequences of the First World War dragging on beyond 1916.

In a disputed but credible account of a casual meeting between the reputable American publisher William Griffith and Winston Churchill in 1936, Churchill allegedly agreed with this view by saying: “America should have minded her own business and stayed out of the World War (One). If you hadn’t entered the war, the Allies would have made peace with Germany in the spring of 1917.

Had we made peace there would have been no collapse of Russia followed by Communism, no breakdown in Italy followed by Fascism, and Germany would not have signed the Versailles Treaty, which enthroned National Socialism in Germany. If America had stayed out of the war, all of these ‘isms’ wouldn’t be sweeping the continent of Europe and breaking down parliamentary government, and if England made peace early in 1917, it would have saved over one million British, French, American and other lives.”

William Griffith’s published remarks of Churchill in 1936 seem credible and concur with the speech given by Benjamin Freedman to American patriots at the Willard Hotel in Washington DC in 1961. Fortunately, Benjamin H Freedman’s shocking speech exposing the Zionists role in extending the First World War beyond 1916 by getting America into the war, was recorded by American patriots and you can easily find and listen to this key Jewish insider’s revelations on Rumble or on YouTube.

Furthermore, as part of Freedman’s mission to reveal this hidden ‘deep state’, Zionist tyranny that he believed was enslaving America covertly through their control of banking, the media and politics. He also wrote several books. Freedman’s books go into much greater detail than his famous 1961 speech in exposing the unscrupulous methods the Zionists use in order to control American presidents and
politicians. Once they compromise these politicians by using bribery and blackmail, they use them to further their Zionist interests to the detriment of American interests!

I trust that those brave scholars and academics that are interested in delving deeper into this sensitive subject of Zionist power in America will study the very informative works of Benjamin Freedman.

I personally recommend that they first listen carefully to Freedman’s famous 1961 speech. Then they should delve deeper by reading Freedman’s books, especially the one titled ‘The Hidden Tyranny’.

However, scholars and academics should not view this research as merely an academic exercise! Because if Freedman’s story is true, and I fear that it is, then this helps to explain why the USA seems to be involved in never ending, increasingly escalating wars in the Middle East supporting Israel.

These really ‘Zionist’ wars that benefit Israel, do not serve genuine American interests, but instead cost the USA dearly in blood and treasure, and may well now intensify into a nuclear world war!

Part One of the series can be found here:
Part Two can be found here:


Top Image: Compilation.

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