Alien Political Influences and Sectarian Politics In Northern Britain

muslim vote organisation

The surge of pro-Gaza, pro-Palestinian candidates at the British local authority elections in May 2024 finally woke up the mainstream media to a growing factor in British politics that British Nationalists have been warning about for years. Now even national news media commentators have highlighted the emerging sectarian politics in the ethnic minority dominated constituencies of some British cities and towns, a feature repeated in the General Election campaign.

Media interviews with representatives of the organisation The Muslim Vote have quoted the following: “Out of 543 seats, the campaign believes that there are almost 100 where Muslim voters can sway the outcome. Most of these are Conservative-Labour marginals, but there are more than 25 constituencies where a unified Muslim vote could determine who the MP is, beyond the two main parties.”

And in a clear indication of the national scale of this sectarian shift in British electoral voting patterns;

“On a national scale, for the first time, British Muslims are looking to consciously vote as a bloc. And Gaza has created a sense of unity hard to find elsewhere. Candidates stepping down to prevent vote splitting, in Dewsbury as well as in Bethnal Green, have been praised online as rare displays of political integrity. In February, 85 per cent of Muslims said that British political leaders’ positions on Gaza would be important in determining how they vote at the next election. Only 2 per cent of respondents to the LMN survey said it wouldn’t be a factor “at all”.

In this article, British Movement Northern region examines a few examples out of many across the North in the mainstream political campaigning for the General Election on July 4th 2024.

The Muslim Vote organisation has ‘approved’ four Labour Party candidates who are Asian Muslims. Note this official Endorsement below:

“The Muslim Vote endorses four Labour candidates.”

Some self-styled ‘Independent’ Asian-Muslim candidates, are campaigning against other Muslim candidates for seats such as Bradford West, where it is against the officially sanctioned, ‘Muslim Vote’ approved mainstream Labour Party candidate.

Muhammed Ali Islam, who is already an independent councillor for the Manningham district of Bradford, has an established online presence where he appeals directly to the Asian Muslim voters of Bradford to elect him rather than Labour Party candidate Naz Shah (see the image at the top). Candidate Muhammed Ali Islam has appeared in on-line video recordings of his election speeches standing behind a desk decorated with the flag of Pakistan, (a strange adornment given that he is campaigning for the British General Election), and speaks of his main agenda being support for the struggle in Gaza and the people of Palestine.

However, some of the more ‘Westernised’ Muslim candidates have unfortunately crossed religious and ideological lines. A serious rebuke has been issued to Habib Rahman, the candidate for the Newcastle Central and West constituency in Newcastle upon Tyne. His words of support for LGBTQ have not gone down well with conservative Muslim voters, in particular the religious scholars and imams who make up the Ulama Council of Newcastle.

“The Ulama Council of Newcastle have condemned parliamentary candidate Habib Rahman after he implied that Muslim scholars had supported his solidarity with the LGBTQ community. The ulama say they told him explicitly that “what he said was incorrect” after he told Newcastle City Council earlier this month that he stands “in solidarity with all members of the LGBTQ+ community and I’m proud of the work that we do here in the city as a Stonewall council.”

Rahman, 50, is currently an independent Newcastle City Councillor after having left the Labour Party in January citing racism, Islamophobia and the party’s position on Gaza. He is the city’s first Bangladeshi Muslim local council cabinet member and the first Bangladeshi and Muslim Lord Mayor in Newcastle’s 800-year history. Rahman, an independent candidate for Newcastle Central and West, was speaking at Newcastle City Council on June 12.

Satement from Habib Rahman regarding his support for homosexuality.

While British Movement does not support LGBTQ in any format, the implications here are clear, the Ulama Council is dictating what causes Muslim candidates are permitted to support. This is the thin edge of the sectarian political wedge and should sound warning bells for the future of British politics. Note too that Habib Rahman is yet another Muslim political candidate to have quit the Labour Party on ideological grounds, as have many others like him across Lancashire, Greater Manchester, Yorkshire and elsewhere.

A quick search on the internet reveals that there are well funded and resourced Islamist organisations following the fortunes of ‘approved’ Muslim candidates, and also offering ‘guidance’ to Muslim voters on who to support and who to vote against.

One Islamic organisation operating online in the UK is called ‘Five Pillars’, which is a direct reference to the Five Pillars of Islam. The website is highly professional in appearance and was produced with an observant Muslim audience in mind.

For decades now, the British Movement, together with other British racial Nationalist organisations, past and present, have stated that mass Third World immigration brings with it cultural, religious and political forces that are alien to British values, and as this non-white population increases, so does their influence on British politics and social policy.

Over the long term, these influences will increase and will impact all aspects of British life if allowed to continue. The demands of organisations like the Muslim Vote clearly indicate that the distant future sees their desire to exert greater influence in areas like education, social services, law enforcement and the justice system, introducing Sharia law on an equal footing with British law, introducing blasphemy laws and using local government powers to limit or eradicate the sale of alcohol and the licensing of pubs and clubs to sell alcohol.

What the local elections of May 2024 and the General Election of July 2024 have clearly demonstrated is that sectarian politics, subject to imported attitudes and alien ideologies, are becoming a feature of British politics. This situation should sound as a warning to all White British citizens, not just patriots and British Nationalists, that this sectarian element within the British electorate will gain traction in the future and is yet another indicator of the encroaching Great Replacement.


Top Image: Election leaflet of Muhammed Ali Islam attacking Labour and Keir Starmer. Public Domain.
Other Images: Public Domain.

The British Movement welcomes articles for possible inclusion on this site from members and supporters across the North of England. Please remember that we have to operate within the laws of this country; we will not include any content that is against the current laws of the United Kingdom. News reports should be topical and relevant to the regions covered by this website.

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