In a post published earlier today (More Northern Hotels Close Their Doors To Paying Guests), we quoted statistics showing an increase of 134,163 registered patients as at 1 November 2022, compared to 1 October 2022. We have been asked to clarify where these stats came from, so they can be checked and used in other posts/articles. We are happy to do that.
These figures were taken directly from the National Health Service website. They are also available to download in pdf format. The link to the page and document is available here: GP Registered Patients Nov 2022 >>
The BM never knowingly posts anything that isn’t correct. We always try to fact-check all statistics used in our posts.

And whilst we are on the subject of the NHS and waiting lists….
In an unconnected development, York Hospital has been left ‘vulnerable’ as nurses’ hotels are being taken over for asylum seekers. The Government has given notice that two hotels used by foreign nurses were now block-booked for asylum seekers. There are 82 foreign nurses in one York hotel, with 17 more set to arrive in December.
Hospital bosses at York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust are now struggling to find appropriate alternative accommodation. Polly McMeekin, director of workforce and organisational development, told a hospital board meeting that they had initially been given just four weeks’ notice to vacate two city centre hotels as the Home Office wanted to use them for “the next couple of years”, but said they had pushed back on this and were then given until December.
The British Movement welcomes articles for possible inclusion on this site from members and supporters across the North of England. Please remember that we have to operate within the laws of this country – we will not include any content that is against the current laws of the United Kingdom. News reports should be topical and be relevant to the regions covered by this website.