British Movement: Heading In The Right Direction

the future

I like the fact that the British Movement has stepped aside from party political elections to build a counter power. This frees members from the ups and downs that contesting elections brings.

I remember when the old BNP won an East London by-election in Millwall, and the membership believed that the party was going to become a real force. This was back in early 1993, and it would be many years before the BNP would win another council seat.

This first election victory came twenty years after the National Front of the 1970s had saved its deposit in West Bromwich in 1972, and back then the NF supporting magazine Spearhead proclaimed, ‘We Are On Our Way!’

Party political election campaigns often given false hopes that we are starting or about to start winning. So far it has burnt out many brilliant activists who have given five, ten or even twenty years of loyalty and hard work. I asked myself, “Is a council seat win or deposit saved any more important than when our enemies hurts our people?”

The Labour Party did massive money saving cuts at the end of 2024 by reducing the winter fuel allowance. This move hit mainly the white British pensions in our working class areas of towns and cities right across our land.

An issue like this angered many British people who see yet another attack on the white working class following the thousands of council homes that have been given away to African immigrants, leaving British youngsters with little hope of finding a home of their own.

The actions of the government that hurt our people create a pool of young people who are open to our message after seeing their grandparents face cuts while new immigrants are funded to live in hotels. The British Movement gives us a real chance to build a counter power in Britain with no deadlines and no lost deposits amounting to thousands of pounds.

The British Movement is not a here today, gone tomorrow grouping like the UK Independence Party or the For Britain Party, but a movement that holds the eternal values of National Socialism at its core.

Our strategy of building a counter power will bring in many people who will see that active anti-drug pusher campaigns and supporting our own homeless are making a real difference right now, and we are not promising to put it all right when we eventually win power.

As our movement grows, ideas and energy from new people will come to the front of our campaigns of supporting our own people. This in turn will inspire even more white people to join our ranks. I look forward to tomorrow with a bigger British Movement all across the land working for our race.

A Manchester National Socialist.


All Images: Stock Image.

The British Movement welcomes articles for possible inclusion on this site from members and supporters across the North of England. Please remember that we have to operate within the laws of this country; we will not include any content that is against the current laws of the United Kingdom. News reports should be topical and relevant to the regions covered by this website.

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