Celebrating April 20th In Yorkshire

april 20th BM Yorkshire

On Saturday 20th April 2024, the Führer’s birthday, British Movement members from Yorkshire held a hike to Ilkley’s famous Filfot Stone. More commonly known as the Swastika Stone, this early Bronze Age carving is thought to date back to about 2,000 BC.

Meeting at the foot of the moors in beautiful spring sunshine (the sun always shines on the Fuhrers Day), our party trekked upwards before stopping for a quick toilet break at a cafe situated half way up the moor. For some bizarre reason, a Zimbabwean flag had been planted outside of the old building.

Setting off again, we carried on up the moor in the direction of the Swastika Stone. Arriving at the rock, which is fenced off from the public, we were inspired and refreshed by the beauty of the moors and humbled by the stone and the fact that our people had stood in the exact same spot nearly 4,000 years ago.

The connection between the past and the present was not lost on us as we celebrated the birth of the man who saved Germany and Europe from Marxism. The day finished with a few well-earned beers in a friendly local hostelry, where we raised our glasses in memory of Europe’s greatest son.

An old postcard describing the ‘Famous Swastika Stone’.
The flag of Zimbabwe on Ilkley Moor. Was it put there as a joke?

“My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right.”

Adolf Hitler


All Images: British Movement Northern.
Video: BM Northern.

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