Dignified, Disciplined And Silent – BM Pays Its Respect

BM Show Their Respect

British Movement members attended many of the local Remembrance Day ceremonies across the north of England last Sunday. From Batley and Morley in West Yorkshire to Accrington in Lancashire, our people were present to pay their respects.

One of the biggest was in Leeds, where a large group of British Movement joined with football lads and other patriots to pay their respects at the Remembrance Day parade and service at the War Memorial on Victoria Gardens in the city centre.

After the shambles in London the day before, this BM-organised show of support was quiet, respectful, and disciplined. Many non-aligned attendees at the remembrance service, including veterans, praised the quiet dignity of our show of support and asked if they could take photos in front of our two banners.*

In front of many hundreds of people, including veterans, local politicians, and religious leaders, a BM comrade placed our poppy wreath on the cenotaph. The wreath-laying was streamed live on large screens for those who couldn’t see what was happening in front of the Cenotaph. The wreath, which said simply ‘From British Nationalists’, was laid by Ian, a long-standing racial Nationalist and an active British Movement member.

Our wreath said simply, ‘From British Nationalists’
Ian, a long-time racial Nationalist and BM member, laid our wreath at the Cenotaph.

After the service, we all moved on to have a drink or two in a number of friendly city centre hostelries, including a well-known (some would say notorious!) Leeds United pub. Photographs were again taken, with a number of elderly veterans eager to get in on the action.

Proudly displaying our banner in the pub.
Members and supporters of the BM, patriots and veterans, pose with our banners outside of a well-known Leeds United pub.

A big thank you to all those who took part, to the comrade who had the banners produced, Ian for bringing and laying the wreath, and of course to all those veterans who have selflessly served our country in numerous conflicts.

*The banners held by the BM, show Fusilier Lee Rigby, a remembrance montage, along with the Leeds United Service Crew logo and the words “lest we forget”.

We have pixelated the faces of all participants to protect their identities from Marxists, police grasses and the state.


All Image: British Movement Northern

The British Movement welcomes articles for possible inclusion on this site from members and supporters across the North of England. Please remember that we have to operate within the laws of this country – we will not include any content that is against the current laws of the United Kingdom. News reports should be topical and be relevant to the regions covered by this website.

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