For Those Who Cannot Speak

ursula haverbeck

On the day that MPs of all parties are being accused of betting on the date of the 2024 General Election, and in one case even betting that he would lose his seat, a frail, 95-year-old grandmother was pushed into a courtroom in a wheelchair at Hamburg Regional Court for sentencing after being convicted of ‘Holocaust’ denial.

Frau Ursula Haverbeck had said in 2015 that Auschwitz was not an extermination camp but a labour camp. In a later television interview, she also denied that there was any mass extermination of people there. In free, democratic Germany, it is a crime to challenge the orthodox, victors version of recent history. She was sentenced to a total of one year and four months in prison for incitement.

“You deliberately denied it,” the presiding judge told Frau Haverbeck in the appeal proceedings. “You knew that what you said would be spread.” “She is incorrigible,” the prosecutor said of Ursula in her plea. The prosecution had demanded a slightly longer prison sentence of one year and six months. The defence attorney pleaded for acquittal.

In the packed courtroom, supporters of Frau Haverbeck interrupted the trial several times with loud shouts, despite warnings. They applauded loudly when she repeated some of her theses in her final statement to the court. When some supporters left the room as a sign of protest, the presiding judge called after them: “Get out, I don’t need spectators like that.”

Ursula is unbowed. She could have retracted her statements, apologised and promised not to say them again and thus escape a prison sentence. But Ursula is made of sterner stuff. She is a National Socialist and, even in her ninth decade, refuses to go along with this blood libel against the German people.

This little 95-year-old lady has the heart of a lion. She has more courage, honour and loyalty in her little finger than all of our career politicians put together. Frau Haverbeck, you have the blood of a true National Socialist warrior flowing through your veins. We in the British Movement salute you!

The defence has one week in which to lodge an appeal.


Main Image: Public Domain.

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