Greed Is Good – Jumping On The Refugee Gravy Train

gravy train

The whole asylum racket is awash with taxpayers’ cash, and unscrupulous businessmen are desperate to get their snout in the trough. It is a world of selfishness, where greed and profit are the motivating factors.

Can we blame them when we have the former Prime Minister, speaking about the speed of the Covid vaccine rollout, telling the 1922 committee (of Tory backbenchers), “The reason we have vaccine success is because of capitalism. Greed, my friends.” Thankfully, the blonde-haired buffoon has now gone, no doubt to make millions more on the lucrative US speaking circuit and from company directorships.

The Britannia Hotels chain, owned by tycoon Alex Langsam, is one of the most notorious businesses’ making a mint from the asylum racket. It has been reported that he is raking in nearly £100,000 of profit every day from housing an estimated one in 10 of the economic migrants seeking asylum in the UK.

His company reported a pre-tax profit of £33.4 million in the year to March 2022. Previously, the budget hotel chain had been ranked as the worst in the United Kingdom for a decade. Langsam has amassed a personal fortune of approximately £248 million through Britannia.

Another business that appears to have stayed well under the radar is the Mears Group, a company that has contracts with local councils up-and-down the UK to deal with the repair and maintenance of social housing. In West Yorkshire, the company vans can be seen buzzing around council estates in Leeds and Wakefield.

A recent job vacancy for a ‘Multi Skilled Operative’ (jack-of-all-trades?) in Wakefield gave the game away. The careers page on their website states that: “Mears provides temporary accommodation to asylum seekers whilst their claim is being assessed. In May 2021, Mears had over 19000 service users across five regions: Northwest, Yorkshire and Humber, Northern Ireland, and Scotland.”

Mears openly admit that the most profitable side of the business involves providing homes and support for asylum seekers. So profitable in fact, that their latest financial report reveals that from a £3.4 million loss in 2020, they had turned it around to actually post a before-tax profit of £35.2m in 2022.

Proof of that good fortune is evident from the Chairman’s Statement, contained in the Mears Group PLC Annual Report and Accounts 2022:

“Both financially and operationally, the most significant contracts for the Group are those under which we provide accommodation and support for asylum seekers in the North-East of England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. The number of service users continued to grow in 2022 and these higher numbers are likely to persist in 2023. The continued use of temporary hotel accommodation, while inevitable, is not the preferred solution and we are working hard to increase the number of residential properties which we can use. The development of these contracts has imposed very considerable pressures on the operating teams who run them, and the Board is grateful for their continuing efforts and success.”

Kieran Murphy – Chairman, Mears Group.

Make the most of it while you can. The British people are awakening. One day you will have to answer for your actions.


Top Image: British Movement Northern.

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