HIAS Supports The Kalergi Trail

Latin American immigration

An article by council insider and Nationalist contributor ‘Frustrated’.

In geographical terms, the illegal migratory route into the USA that has been dubbed the ‘Kalergi Trail’ begins in the dangerous jungle of the Darien Gap, where Panama borders Columbia in South America. It then runs north through the rugged terrain of Central America up into Mexico until it eventually reaches the wide-open US southern border.

Since Joe Biden replaced Donald Trump as American president in 2021, this ‘Kalergi Trail’ into the USA has become more like a highway, with over ten million illegal aliens being allowed to enter the USA to then claim ‘asylum’ along with generous taxpayer funded freebies that go with asylum!

The ‘Kalergi Trail’ really begins as a dream in the minds of millions of the poorest black and brown races that live in the poverty stricken, volatile hellhole countries of the Third World. They crave the wealth that exists in developed white nations like the USA. So they view gate crashing the USA’s south border as a fast way out of their dire poverty by claiming asylum and lavish liberal freebies!

The illegal migratory route into the USA was dubbed the ‘Kalergi Trail’ after the infamous ‘Kalergi Plan’ that was envisaged by the founding father of the European Union, the Austrian aristocrat, Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi. In his 1925 book, “Practical Idealism”, Kalergi predicted that mass non-white migration into Europe would melt away traditional white nations and their people.

He wrote: “The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time and prejudice. the Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.” This ruinous race mixing plan now also seems to be being engineered in the USA.

The ‘Kalergi Plan’, sometimes called ‘The Great Replacement theory’, holds that leftists and some, but by no means all, Jewish people are engineering the ethnic and cultural replacement of white people in traditionally white nations with non-white immigrants that will lead to a ‘white genocide’.

Leftists, and some Jews, seem determined to destroy formerly sovereign, relatively homogeneous white nations like the United States. At the USA’s southern border with Mexico, internationalist and fanatical Marxists have been filmed chanting, “No Trump! No wall! No USA at all!” Under Joe Biden’s illegitimate Democrats regime, they have flooded the USA with millions of illegal, non-white immigrants in order to replace the USA’s traditionally, overwhelmingly white majority population.

At the forefront of this diversity drive to replace the traditional white American majority population are Jewish organisations such as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS). HIAS is an American Jewish organisation that helps Third World immigrants enter the USA illegally via, what has been dubbed the “Kalergi Trail’. HIAS funds staging posts giving aid to migrants along the Kalergi Trail.

Michael Yon is a brave American patriot who served his country in the US elite Special Forces in the 1980’s. He has since become a bestselling author by writing of his thrilling military experiences. Since 2021, Michael Yon has continued to serve his country as an investigative reporter who sheds light
on the mass invasion of the USA via its southern border with Mexico by millions of illegal immigrants.

Yon and many other patriotic Americans are alarmed by this illegal alien invasion of their country by millions of unvetted, fighting age men, who enter the Darien Gap in Panama at the start of their journey into the USA. The Darien Gap is a dangerous stretch of jungle used by illegal aliens on route to the USA’s southern border with Mexico.

Michael Yon has worked with demonised American journalists, such as Alex Jones. He has reported for the ‘Alex Jones Show’ by getting his show access to the HIAS funded immigrant aid camps staged along the ‘Kalergi Trail’, where mainstream media is reluctant to go. So these HIAS funded aid posts are facilitating the alien invasion of the USA!

The New York Times described Yon as targeting the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, quoting him as saying of migrants: “they’re coming across the border and it’s being funded with Jewish money!”


Top Image: Public Domain. Latin America became the top origin region for US immigrants in 1990, and by 2019 migrants from Latin America comprised 6.5 percent of the US population.

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