HIAS Supports The Kalergi Trail – Part 2

kalergi trail

An article by council insider and Nationalist contributor ‘Frustrated’.

My previous article concerned the illegal migratory route through Central America into the USA that has been dubbed the ‘Kalergi Trail’ (after the infamous Kalergi Plan). I praised the intrepid investigative journalism of the former US elite Special Forces (Green Beret) soldier, Michael Yon. Michael Yon is a great American patriot!

The ‘Kalergi Plan’, sometimes called ‘The Great Replacement theory’, holds that leftists and some (but not all) Jewish people are engineering the ethnic and cultural replacement of white people in traditionally white nations with non-white immigrants that will lead to a ‘white genocide’, an eradication of white populations.

However, Michael Yon’s reporting from the Darrien Gap in Panama has revealed the main role of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) in aiding and abetting the Third World invasion of the USA by millions of non-white illegal immigrants, with the aim of replacing the white majority population.

Yon exposed that HIAS funded immigrant aid posts all along the ‘Kalergi Trail’ were facilitating the illegal alien invasion of the USA and thus undermining and endangering legal American citizens. Moreover, Yon has also highlighted that the current United States Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, a Cuban born Jew, was himself a former board member of HIAS.

This may well explain why Mayorkas has apparently allowed an estimated fifteen million Third World, non-white, illegal immigrants to enter the USA via its wide-open southern border with Mexico! In response to his abysmal record, Republican representatives in the US Congress have tried to impeach Mayorkas by accusing him of failing in his duty to “prevent invasion” and the “wilful admittance of border crossers.” But predictably the Democrats have prevented Mayorkas from being impeached.

Since Joe Biden replaced Donald Trump as American president in 2021, the Democrats seem to have been replacing their white American citizens with non-white illegal immigrants as a deliberate policy! This hateful, genocidal Democrat policy to replace white Americans has been noticed and reported on by demonised American journalists such as Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones and Dr David Duke.

Elon Musk noticed the anti-white hatred. He recently agreed with a post on X/twitter that claimed that Jewish people were stoking hatred against white people by saying that the user who referenced the ‘Great Replacement’ conspiracy theory was speaking ‘the actual truth’.

Donald Trump has now declared that Third World countries are emptying their prisons and lunatic asylums and are sending their inmates across the USA’s wide open southern border with Mexico. Trump has also mentioned the many murderous crimes being committed by some of these illegal migrants.
Michael Yon, as well as many other American patriots, are justifiably alarmed by this unprecedented dangerous invasion of their country by millions of unvetted, fighting age men, some of whom have committed the most heinous crimes against American citizens, including rapes and murders!

Michael Yon is a regular reporter on Conservative media such as the Alex Jones Show and the Stew Peters Show for white people who wish to stay informed of how their own governments are involved in engineering their racial replacement with mass Third World immigration. Fortunately, you can watch Michael Yon on the Alex Jones Show and the Stew Peters Show on Rumble.

Alarmingly, in a recent broadcast, Michael Yon a former Green Beret soldier, declared that, “It’s over!” Yon said that controlled mass, non-white immigration from the Third World has now replaced whites to an irreversible degree and has balkanised formerly white countries in North America and Europe. He announced that, in his opinion, Canada was already lost and gone as a white country!

Closer to home, Yon said that the native Irish (in Ireland) were on the verge of being ‘genocided’ or even enslaved and so he mentioned that he knew some Irish people who as a result were now leaving Ireland.

Part one of the Kalergi Trail can be viewed here>>


Main Image: Ai Image. Immigrants using the Kalergi Trail to reach America.

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