HIAS Supports The Kalergi Trail – Part 3

kalergi trail

An article by council insider and Nationalist contributor ‘Frustrated’.

The presidential election of Donald Trump by legal American citizens (of all backgrounds) was a defeat for the globalists and their left-wing lackeys.

Most of Trump’s voters came from the USA’s shrinking, but still white majority population. However, he also improved his polling from the USA’s increasing non-white citizens. Many African American men voted for Trump because they feared the new migrants taking their jobs (and state benefits).

Trump also polled well with Latino families worried by the way the Democrats’ mass immigration policy was devaluing their legally acquired citizenship by turning the USA into a poorer, corrupt, crime-ridden Third World country similar to the ‘hellholes” their forebears had fled from to escape!

As part of Trump’s successful election strategy, he also highlighted the many heinous crimes that illegal migrants had committed against innocent American citizens, especially women and children. These crimes included rapes and murders, so Trump invited grieving family members to attend his rallies and promised them that any illegal migrants that murdered an American citizen would be executed.

Perceptive nationalists will realise that the term ‘globalist’ is sometimes used to describe the often Jewish dominated banks and multinational corporations that seem to be driving the globalist plan.

For thirty years, Alex Jones has exposed this alleged plot by multinational firms such as Goldman Sachs and BlackRock to create a borderless world where mass replacement immigration from the Third World weakens the national identity of traditionally white nations in America and Europe.

Jones claims that these firms are trying to monopolise their control over nations and their assets so that they can merge them into big, new supranational states and finally a One World Government! The news and information that Jones broadcast during the US election about the globalists on his popular Alex Jones Show and Infowars website swayed millions of American citizens to vote for Donald Trump.

On a recent show, Jones pleaded for the new MAGA administration of Donald Trump to prosecute outgoing Democrat officials that irresponsibly encouraged over ten million illegal migrants to enter the USA via its wide open southern border with Mexico. Alex Jones further called for the religious charities and George Soros-funded NGO’s that aided and abetted this invasion to be prosecuted.

Former US elite Special Forces (Green Beret) soldier Michael Yon is a regular reporter for the Alex Jones Show. His reporting from the Darien Gap in Panama (at the beginning of the ‘Kalergi Trail’) revealed the criminal role of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) in facilitating this invasion.

Michael Yon has also reported that the current United States Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas is a Cuban born Jew who was himself an important former board member of HIAS! Therefore Mayorkas’s background raises doubts about his suitability for his current position.

Disturbingly, Donald Trump’s incoming border tsar, Tom Holman, has recently said that the USA government “can’t find” more than 300,000 migrant children and that many may have been lured into forced labour and sex trafficking. Alex Jones fears that some have been killed and will never be found.

Consequently, there may be serious criminal charges for some of these NGO’s and charities (like HIAS) and the Democrat officials (like Mayorkas) who were responsible for facilitating this illegal mass immigration chaos. They will have questions to answer once the many cases of the 300,000 missing (trafficked) children are investigated by Donald Trump’s new Republican administration.

It’s phoney for American Jewish groups like HIAS and the Anti Defamation League (ADL) to call for open borders for the USA and Europe while supporting very secure borders to protect the Jewish ethno-state of Israel!

Some Jews have even called for the USA to welcome millions of Palestinians expelled from Gaza’s ruins. On his show, Alex Jones said that this would be like Israel using the USA as a toilet!

The Labour Party’s Lord Alf Dubs (who is Jewish) has also called on Keir Starmer’s ultra-Zionist government to help Israel expel thousands of Palestinian refugees from Gaza by giving them a home in Britain!

Part One of the Kalergi Trail can be viewed here>>
Part Two can be viewed here>>


Main Image: Ai Image. Immigrants using the Kalergi Trail to reach America.

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