Hitting Them Where It Hurts: The Power Of Protest

simmel anti-AfD leaflet

As National Socialists, we have to continually be looking for eye-catching, legal ways to expose and hit back at our enemies. Already, the Great Replacement is becoming more and more obvious to an increasing number of our people, be it from their experience with National Health Service waiting lists, refugee scams, changing demographics, lack of social housing, or the brainwashing of the advertising media. We can also watch and learn from our comrades across Europe.

In Germany, the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) staged a private gathering at which they discussed who is a German. It sparked one of the largest protests in contemporary German history. Last weekend, over half a million people flocked to the streets, united in their goal to halt the growth of the party. The participants were made up of the usual suspects: establishment politicians, left-wing activists, the church, and a ragtag of different immigrant organisations.

It appears that the protests have had little effect. The AfD is still polling at around 20.5 percent, and nearly half of Germans interviewed said that immigration was one of their top concerns. The anti-German cause has not been helped by the current coalition government passing a law to make it easier for foreigners to acquire German citizenship.

In Saxony last week, one group of patriots found a novel way to fight back and hit one hostile entrepreneur where it hurts the most: in his pocket!

A supermarket chain owner in the German city of Dresden hoped that his campaign against the “far-right” would earn him brownie points with the local media and establishment politicians. Unfortunately for him, his oh-so-clever ploy backfired spectacularly, with around 40% of his customers saying they would boycott the company’s stores.

On the current advertising leaflets for his 20 Simmel stores in Saxony and Thuringia, Chemnitz entrepreneur Peter Simmel (64) added the message “For democracy – against Nazis”. His customers weren’t pleased, and some even called for a boycott of his stores on social media. The supermarket boss at first claimed that this was because ‘more people identify with the word Nazi’.

Simmel has since retracted his statement and apologised. “I’m sorry that my use of the term “Nazis” was aimed at people who don’t agree with our current government,” Simmel wrote on Facebook. “That does not make you a Nazi.”

Simmel continued, “Some people felt offended by the wording, for which I apologise.” By speaking with consumers, he has discovered that people have recently been labelled as Nazis rather than addressing their complaints.

Several dozen campaigners gathered at the Simmel supermarket on Wiener Platz to fill shopping trolleys with groceries and then leave them in front of the tills with a protest leaflet against the exclusion of political views. This innovative protest unfortunately effected the store employees, who had to restock the shelves afterwards. Reports suggest that the staff, on the other hand, seemingly took it in their stride and vowed that they would express their anger “to the top”.

Simmel has two branches in Dresden and others in Aue, Bannewitz, Burgstädt, Chemnitz, Claußnitz, Eibenstock, Glauchau, Grüna, Jocketa, Lichtenstein, Limbach-Oberfrohna, Meerane, Mittweida, Oberlichtenau, Steinbach, Stollberg, Zschopau (all in Saxony) and Gera (Thuringia). The offending brochure was distributed in the 20 Simmel stores in Saxony and Thuringia. It did not appear in the vicinity of the four branches in Bavaria.


Top Image: The offending Simmel advertisement
Video: Free Sachsen

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