Hotel Demo In Leeds – Anti-Fascist Action Humiliated!

hotel demo

Saturday 10th December saw another demonstration in Leeds against hotels housing economic migrants. Organised by a group called Yorkshire Patriots, the demo was supported by Patriotic Alternative and the British Movement.

Yorkshire Patriots are a group who organise through Facebook and because of that, we were told to expect opposition from assorted red groups. The BM were probably the largest group in attendance along with a number of locals friendly with our activists.

The police had also been tipped off about the demo (probably by Anti-Fascist Action themselves) and had spotters driving around the area from early morning. The rendezvous point in a local pub had been closed by the police, leaving early attendees to wander around the streets.

Heavy metal fencing surrounds the hotel which is patrolled by security staff.

A group of black-clad and masked AFA quickly disappeared after being challenged by a smaller group of BM. Eventually we unfurled our banners outside of the hotel, which has a large security fence around the perimeter and police and security patrolling the grounds.

By this time the AFA group had grown in number to about 15 and they stood in the tree’s nearby trying to look intimidating. Unfortunately for them, one young Nationalist walked up to them and challenged them. Needless to say, these red ‘street-fighters’ (sic) didn’t like the odds and declined to have a go.

Black-clad Anti-Fascist Action thugs bottle-it when faced by one Nationalist.

We then moved to the side of the busy A64 road across from the hotel and continued our demo. The number of drivers honking their horns in support was fantastic and indicates the strength of public support on this issue.

In a further humiliation for the spotty students of AFA, two of their number were arrested for having concealed weapons. The sight of the police emptying the rucksack contents of one of these ‘hard-men’ onto the pavement was not to be missed.

Once again the British Movement has taken the lead in defence of our people.

A heavy police presence around the hotel.

Resources: All images copyright ā“’ British Movement.

Top Image: Activists unfurl their banners on the busy A64 road in Leeds.

The British Movement welcomes articles for possible inclusion on this site from members and supporters across the North of England. Please remember that we have to operate within the laws of this country – we will not include any content that is against the current laws of the United Kingdom. News reports should be topical and be relevant to the regions covered by this website.

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