Ireland Joins The Fightback!

irish fightback against migrants

A quick round-up from social media of events taking place in Ireland, where working people are taking to the streets to protest against the policy of placing migrants in local communities at the expense of the indigenous Irish.

“You do not get to impose the sins of our ancestors on me. Their debt, is not my debt, their sins are not my sins. If I wanted to help foreigners, which I have done many times in the past & continue to do, I would use my own money & resources to do so.”

Mike Connell

Nationalism in Ireland has in the past been dominated by the red ‘internationalists’ of Sinn Fein. Some of our European comrades still think that SF and the IRA are genuine racial Nationalists, fighting back against British imperialism.

Irish men and women oppose the marxists of Sinn Fein

The recent attempts to flood Ireland with ‘refugees fleeing war and persecution’ has not fooled the vast majority of Irish citizens. On the Tonight Show aired on the 9/1/23, the viewers were asked one simple question: Do you approve of the government’s response to the the refugee crisis? The response was an overwhelming 90% No, with the Yes vote barely reaching 10%.

90% of the Tonight Show viewers opposed the Irish Governments policy.

“It started at Eastwall. It’s spreading all over Ireland. Join us tomorrow in Fermoy, scene of a huge dump of unvetted migrants in school grounds.”

Derek Blighe

“Peaceful protesters, when the anti-terror unit of the Garda are taking your photographs tomorrow evening, remember foreigners that rape our children are being left to walk the streets in peace.”

Derek Blighe

Around 500 peaceful Ballymun protesters refuse to be provoked by the garda and stand strong….


Top Image: Facebook

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