Liverpool – Reflecting on the Coming ‘Enrichment’

liver bird liverpool

Regarding Liverpool, the big news is the promised invasion or enrichment, depending on how you view things. The mainstream media news readers are really seeing who can be the most sanctimonious as they trot out the rehashed, one-sided reports on how we should be welcoming to these people (Afghan refugees). There is not even any pretence at objectivity.

Comparing these things to the national news, a few alarm bells are starting to ring. For instance, over the last few weeks there has been reports about the squalid conditions people are expected to live in.

Tonight, an Asian man was pictured living in the most awful conditions. The report went on to say of the huge queues for social housing in Liverpool. If this is the case, then how can we afford to take in thousands of Afghan migrants? It just doesn’t make sense. This coupled with the strain on our NHS and we have a recipe for disaster.

The Mayor of Manchester, Labour’s Andy Burnham, was elected on the promise that he would eradicate homelessness in Manchester. With this in mind, you would think him to be a strident critic of bringing in these refugees/migrants, adding to the housing problem. Not a bit of it; he is welcoming them with open arms (possible future Labour voters, no doubt).

Tonight’s Northern News also covered a story on a young woman living on universal credit, who was lamenting this compassionate government’s decision to knock twenty quid off her weekly pittance. She told us that she was looking for work on a regular basis.

Again, alarm bells are ringing. We are being told that there are loads of job vacancies out there and that there is a shortage of workers in a number of fields. Could this be another ruse to bring in yet more immigrants to fill the skills shortage? The mind boggles.

I once read an article by Michael Walsh (McLaughlin) entitled “Liverpool – white pride city”. Many areas (including my own) are 99.99% white. Here we even have a white news agent, even if they do sell ‘The Morning Star’ (Newspaper of the Communist Party). I keep meaning to ask if anyone buys it, as there always seem to be a few unsold copies on the shelf.

Liverpool, in my experience, is a very left-wing city. I remember the Militant Tendency getting thousands onto the streets in the 1980’s; their current incarnation, the Socialist Party, has little or no influence compared to its heyday in the ‘80’s. Many Labour CLP’s are still carrying a torch for Leon Trotsky here.

So there is the news from Liverpool. I will try and keep you informed of more news as we get it. Apparently the Fuhrer spent some time here. I’m not sure what portion of his life this was – I don’t remember reading of it in Toland’s biography – but there are some accounts that he visited here.

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