Looking Towards the North-East

Looking Towards the North-East

Often overlooked in the broader British racial Nationalist struggle, the cities, ports, towns and villages of the North-East of England deserve greater input and attention from our Movement.

Over recent years, the pressures of the incursion by the negative forces of Third World immigration, the settlement of illegal immigrants and ‘asylum seekers’ in hotels, local housing stock and on council estates have begun to seriously impact the North-East. Likewise, the negative impact of ‘cultural enrichment’ and the assorted criminal cultures that travel with the settlement and establishment of non-white communities in British neighbourhoods is increasingly taking its toll.

A short review of reports on the British Movement Northern region website clearly indicates the growing negative pressures of multiculturalism on the region.

It is generally recognised that Tyneside and Wearside did suffer the incursion of immigration during the 1960’s and 1970’s, but not on the scale seen by other parts of the North of England such as Lancashire, West and South Yorkshire, Merseyside and Greater Manchester. For that reason, campaigns by British racial Nationalist organisations and to our regret, British National Socialists have not seen comparable input into the North-East as the other regions mentioned.

That will now change as far as British Movement is concerned, BM intends to step up the national propaganda campaign in the North-East to the same levels as Yorkshire, Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Merseyside.

And just to prove the point that the North-East is fertile ground for the BM , below are some personal observations from a British Movement member living on Tyneside:

“It’s really good to know that there is some interest being shown in the movement from Tyne & Wear. It was only a matter of time, as I’ve noticed a large change in the demographics up here. Yes, there are some of the ‘migrants’ being housed up here but the main change is from the volume of Indian Hindus who have just moved to the country… and as seems standard with the ‘cultural enrichers’ are either expecting a child or have young children already. The tolerant locals are now getting fed up.

I’ve noticed a lot more people, especially younger ones, asking questions now. Questions that may have seemed a little taboo a few years ago. I’m from the generation where at school we were always taught that NS was evil and those who followed its ideals were nasty people, now (especially today on the anniversary of D-day) I’ve noticed a lot more folk questioning if what we have been taught is actually the truth. A lot more people are using social media to discuss and explore their curiosity.

With the full facts presented, it’s only right and fair that people should be allowed to make up their own mind. I think many would agree that if they knew that by defeating Hitler would lead to today’s Europe being flooded by migrants, organised crime and two-tier policing as living costs spiral out of control, they would most certainly think twice before supporting the allied forces and the D-day landings. As my late grandfather, a decorated gunner in the Royal Navy, once told me…. “Unfortunately, we fought the wrong ‘enemy’”

The reality of multiculturalism and colonisation by the surplus population of the Third World is hitting the White British population of the North-East and there is every reason to throw out the lifeline of the Fourteen Words to our kin folk in the region.

Britain Awake!

Lindisfarne Castle.


Top Image: TUBS, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons. Angel of the north – Picnicin, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons, Roy Hughes / Durham cathedral.
Lower Image: Lindisfarne Castle – Chris Gunns / Now you see it.

The British Movement welcomes articles for possible inclusion on this site from members and supporters across the North of England. Please remember that we have to operate within the laws of this country; we will not include any content that is against the current laws of the United Kingdom. News reports should be topical and relevant to the regions covered by this website.

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