No One Really Likes Anything About Labour

keir starmer

As predicted, the Labour Party won the General Election with a ‘landslide’ victory, winning 412 seats in the 650-seat House of Commons. Starmer’s Labour Party secured just over 700,000 more votes than Jeremy Corbyn did in 2019, but managed to pick up more than 200 additional seats. The Labour vote was 34% while its seat share was 63%.

In fact Starmer’s vote in the Holborn & St Pancras ward he contested collapsed from 36,641 in 2019, to just 18,884 votes in 2024, on a turnout of just 54 percent. The turnout nationally was the lowest for a general election since 1945. Hardly a ringing endorsement for Sir Keir (“it’s not right that only women have a cervix”) Starmer. Support for Labour will collapse very quickly once people realise what they intend for our country!

In addition, Starmer has continuing problems over Gaza, with a number of Muslim candidates standing against the official candidate. The Shadow Paymaster General Jonathan Ashworth lost his Leicester seat and both Blackburn and Dewsbury and Batley have fallen to independents, amid signs of a sectarian backlash over Gaza. Labour also failed to retake the former Labour MP Claudia Webbe’s Leicester seat or win in Chingford and Woodford Green.

Shadow Health Secretary Wes Streeting narrowly secured victory in his east London seat of Ilford North, winning by a margin of just 1,000 votes. Rushanara Ali also faced a close race in Bethnal Green, emerging victorious by a slim margin. Similarly, Jess Phillips clinched her seat in Birmingham with only around 700 votes.

This shift in voter support demonstrates the changing political landscape in these constituencies, with independent, sectarian candidates gaining traction and traditional party loyalties being challenged.

The limp-wristed Conservatives Party only managed to cling on in 121 seats. The 2024 GE was the worst ever electoral loss in the history of the Tories, with a vote share of 24% and a seat share of 19%. Voters just had a shared desire to destroy the Tory Party, hopefully a blow that will see a slow decline and eventual demise of this outdated class-ridden organisation.

Many of the Tory heavyweights also lost their seats, including Commons leader Penny Mordaunt, former prime minister (for all of 45 days!) Liz Truss, our Jewish Defence Secretary Grant Shapps, Veterans Minister Johnny Mercer, posh-boy Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg and Education Secretary Gillian Keegan. In total, twelve cabinet ministers lost their seats on Thursday.

The Liberal Democrats came in third with 71 seats and 3.5 million votes, almost 600,000 fewer than Reform, who only won 5 seats. The LD’s vote tally gave them an increase of 60 MPs on their 2019 total. The LD’s are a poisonous group who would open the borders, give an amnesty to all illegal immigrants and take us back into the EU and the join the single currency. In the 2019 GE they campaigned under the slogan ‘Bollocks To Brexit’.

Of the other smaller parties, Reform UK, Nigel Farage’s Thatcherite conservatives, received 4.1 million votes (14% of the national vote, but only 1% of the seat share), but due to the UK’s unfair first past the post voting system, they gained only 5 seats. In Scotland, the Scottish National Party, which is often described as ‘Nationalist’, but is in reality a left-wing, anti-English party, lost 39 seats, winning only 9 constituencies.

What is clear is that voters weren’t voting for Starmer or his party because they were inspired by his charisma and policies. Poll after poll had shown that the country as a whole was truly fed up with the Tories and wanted to punish them for the mess they have made over the last 14 years.

The Tory government has repeatedly claimed that Brexit has allowed them to take full control of the country’s borders, yet the reality has not matched their promises. Despite their bold assertions, the government failed to follow through on a key pledge made to the British public: reducing net migration.

The Office for National Statistics revealed that net migration for 2022 was a new all-time record high of 606,000. In 2023, approximately 1.22 million people migrated to the UK, while 532,000 people migrated from the UK, resulting in a net migration figure of 685,000.

Ultimately, the unwillingness to tackle this vital issue head-on speaks to the deep ideological divides and electoral calculations that continue to shape the Tory stance on one of the most vital issues in politics today. Demographers have predicted that by 2066 at the latest, the indigenous people of Britain would be a minority in their own country.

In a nutshell, they simply don’t want to stop immigration. In Tory eyes, clamping down on immigration from the Third World would do harm to the economic needs of many industries reliant on cheap migrant labour. Remember, to the capitalist, profit is king, pay the mud-coloured peasants the minimum wage and eat processed food.

Once again, Nigel Farage and his anti-establishment fakery has managed to fool the people into believing that he is some kind of ‘saviour’ that people have been waiting for. This reactionary former commodities trader and his Reform UK ‘political party’ have given the ignored majority of Britons the hope that at last somebody is going to stand up for them.

First and foremost, Farage is a free-market capitalist for whom the pursuit of profit is the driving force in his life. He is a millionaire who has previously held a trust fund in an offshore tax haven. Farage’s image as an ‘ordinary bloke’ does not stand up to scrutiny either. Despite his attempts to present himself as a voice of the working class, he is actually the son of a millionaire stockbroker and attended Dulwich College, a top-tier private school in Britain with an annual fee of £35,000. His estimated net worth currently stands at approximately £3.2 million.

Since taking over the leadership of Reform UK and announcing that he was going to stand for election in Clapton at the General Election, Farage has been given wall-to-wall coverage across the entire MSN. He is simply a tool to fool the people in the same way that people like Stephen Yaxley Lennon and Katie Hopkins are paid to direct patriotic anger at Muslims and Islam and away from the real enemies of our race and nation.

This avalanche of publicity alone should ring alarm bells for any thinking person. The coverage is unprecedented for a man who had tried and failed seven times to become an MP and whose party has only a handful of local councillors. Almost every news and current affairs programme became a mouthpiece for Farage and his non-existent party.

Compare this to that of George Galloway and his Workers’ Party. Bizarrely described as ‘Strasserite’ by one news outlet, his party’s election campaign was totally ignored by the media. Galloway subsequently lost the Rochdale constituency just months after he won it.

Farage’s number two in Reform UK is Richard Tice, a posh multi-millionaire businessman whose voice alone is enough to put off most working-class voters. Both are constantly telling sycophantic journalists how they are repelled by any talk of extremism, and have taken action whenever any candidate steps out of line.

A number of Reform UK candidates were ‘exposed’ by certain Marxist organisations after making unfavourable comments about immigration and homosexuality. Reform chair Richard Tice said: “A professional vetting company was paid a six-figure sum in April to vet Reform candidates.” Obviously, money well spent.

Farage has form when it comes to distrusting his own membership. His Brexit Party vetted members because it feared that supporters of the British National Party and the English Defence League would sign up, according to documents disclosed by the Electoral Commission.

Does anybody really believe Farage will be a hard-working constituency MP, dealing with the mundane, day-to-day concerns of his Clacton constituents? His former party, the eurosceptic UKIP, was described as ‘Europe’s laziest political party’. In 2014 he also admitted claiming more than £205,000 of taxpayers’ money from his MEP allowances for an office that was actually provided to him free of charge by a UKIP supporter.

Finally, Reform Party UK Limited is not a political party in the usual sense. It is listed as a private limited company at Gov.UK (company number 11694875), with its previous company name listed as The Brexit Party Limited. The secretary is named as Mehrtash A’Zami, with three directors named as Nigel Paul Farage, Paul Richard Oakden and Richard James Sunley Tice.


Top Image: Public Domain
Lower Image: Migration Watch

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