Nordfront Interviews Whitelaw

Interview with Whitelaw

The following article is a translation of an interview with the lead singer of Whitelaw, Benny Bullman. It was published on the Nordfront website ( on 13.03.2024.

Hello Benny! Can you tell us a little more about the band Whitelaw?

Hi, yes the band consists of Baz (drums), Steve (bass), Paul (guitars) and me (vocals and lyrics). We formed the band in the summer of 1997, so we’ve been around for 27 years. Baz and I originally started the band with two other guys called Sisco (guitars) and Roly (bass). Eventually, after some changes, Steve and Paul joined us and they’ve both been in the band for 25 years. So together we have actually been playing and creating music for the last 25 years.

I think I’m right when I say that we are the longest running line up of a RAC band from England who have been constantly playing together and never stopped from the moment we first formed in 1997. We often joke that we’ve been together for the bond has lasted longer than any other of our relationships. We just love it and wouldn’t change a thing. When we are together, we play around with ideas and are very creative and always stay in tune with each other. We are a band and a group that just seems to work.

I was really impressed by your last album, “Run Silent Run Deep,” and now your new album, “We Will Defend,” has been released. How would you describe the new album? Is it a continuation from the previous album or will we hear something new?

“We Will Defend” is perhaps a continuation of all our albums, it is about progression within our music and interpretation of music that inspires us and others and feeling that we have something that is ours.

When we start working on a new album, it’s the coolest experience you can imagine. Each band has its own way of writing and creating music and songs. Some take months or even years to produce material, some don’t even write their own songs, but when we’re together we work in a fun but serious way. Each of us is on the same level and we all contribute together, have our own tasks but do not dismiss each other’s ideas and suggestions.

For example, I write lyrics all the time or when I get an idea so I have a box full of lyrics, Paul will maybe plink around and play his guitar, I hear a riff he plays and usually say, ” what is that? “He’ll say ‘nothing’, I’ll say ‘keep playing it’ and then go through my lyrics and pick a song that fits and then Steve and Baz will join in and then after three runs we’ll have the basis of a song. As simple as that.

Another way is Steve will pick up his guitar and start playing a riff, sometimes he’ll see some lyrics I’ve written. I listen and bang we have something to work with. Then Paul will put a professional touch on it, with Baz trying different beats. I love how Baz listens to the guitar and then tries to come up with a new drum beat in the process.

When we write an album it takes about three long afternoons to get our 12 tracks and then maybe three full days to record, with another day a few weeks later to mix it and change things. I wrote the lyrics to the song “We Will Defend” in the parking lot outside the studio because we needed another song for the album. I came back in and told the guys I have another song, 10 minutes later Paul, Baz and Steve had an idea, I told them it fit and there it was, all created within 20 minutes.

What are the future plans for the band?

Plans are not really our thing, we work more on impulse. Paul and I would like to make a follow-up to our album Almost Unplugged, which was released on Midgård a few years ago. We also got some songs together for a side project called Sour Grapes. Which will be a rocking Rockabilly/ Psychobilly sound.

But right now we are very busy with Whitelaw, so there is simply not enough time. Everyone in the band works and therefore we, like the vast majority, are committed to the obligations of our lives. We would love to do this full time but unfortunately we all have to pay our bills the same way everyone does. After all, this was never about money for us and never has been. It’s been about getting our voice out with our message in music, giving our people hope and letting them know they have someone to express their feelings and opinions to them.

We are banned from all Schengen member countries within the European Union as many may know, so we hope people from other non-Schengen countries ask us to play there. We love being on the road. Play live, meet people, laugh with them and exchange stories. That’s what it’s all about, camaraderie and sharing a common bond that unites us all under the same banner. Steve and Baz have a side project with Crucified as well, where Steve does vocals, so it takes some time for them.

What are your musical and political influences?

I can only speak for myself here, but I can say that Baz and Paul love heavy rock music, but so do I. Steve, on the other hand, is 100% Oi! Punk and RAC. But I listen to both as well. I listen to different styles that people sing in and how different singers carry their lyrics in a song. How their use of words describes feelings along with their voice.

Our influences as a collective would undoubtedly have to be number one Skrewdriver , but if you listen to our songs, you will find many different genres in them. From Joy Division to Sex Pistols, The Ejected, Motorhead, AC/DC, The Who, etc. But for me, one of my greatest assets and living mentors has been Ken McLellan who has been a loyal friend and driving force for me over the years. With knowledge and musical wisdom, he has helped me and pushed me more than anyone else. He gave me musical advice when I didn’t even realize I wanted it but always encouraged me to take it to another level. For this I am eternally grateful to him as I truly believe I had the two best RAC teachers I could ever have had the pleasure of in my life. Ian Stuart Donaldson and Ken McLellan. Politically, the very nature of our songs and the name of the band says it all. At least the so-called authorities seem to think so.

What’s the UK national music scene like?

A lot has happened in the UK with our scene over the years. Which has created waves right across the RAC world. But despite that and the need to adapt in recent years due to political pressure from the system, the police, the extreme left, in some cases, violent terrorists. There is a lively undercurrent of support for our scene. Everywhere we go people are so supportive of us. We could, and there is no doubt about it, sell out large arenas if we were allowed to play our music openly. Lady Fortuna and I’m sure the gods are on our side. So fate will tell what the future has in store. Musically, there are a lot of good bands out there. So I think things will only get better in a new way, and the scene will grow again.

Yes, because let’s be completely honest, the music scene is not what it once was, how are we going to attract new people to it and to our movement?

I’ve lived through some good times with the music scene. I was there when it was growing in the UK in the 80s, when there was an abundance of gigs all over the country. I was part of some magnificent gigs in Germany in the early 90’s and have had the privilege of playing all over the world with our band since 1997, including the USA and Russia. I think we’ve played in about 22 different countries. We have witnessed some absolutely amazing times and met absolutely amazing people along the way, all with the same common goal. But things have changed, not because there isn’t the same feeling or drive out there now, but because there has been an implementation of incitement and smearing all over the world. A witch hunt that has been going on for years against followers, musicians and record companies connected to our scene. Because this scene is not driven by the mainstream politically correct music scene, it has been constantly attacked over and over again. For no other reason than we won’t conform, or we don’t fit into their political world because we show a total rejection of the political agendas imposed on our nations.

The way I see it, we have to adapt and adapt quickly. Find different ways to promote our scene. To maintain our standards but push our own limits further. Don’t play their game and remain cautious, but engaged, even if we have to tone down some things. Because at the end of the day, we have to make sure our scene survives no matter what obstacles are put in front of us. We cannot let all those who have fought for it in the past be forgotten. We already have the foundation, we just need to find different ways to get it out.

I know you are active in the British Movement, can you tell us a bit more about the organisation?

The British Movement was founded in 1968. The same year I was born. So to me it seems like it was always meant for me. The British Movement is a commitment to a cause that does not recognize or believe that the current system we live under represents the true values ​​of our people, or their historical background to the people it governs.

Their system is all about suppressing our people into a dependent tool that can be used for their own gain. The British Movement rejects their system and their corrupt society as it is today. We play their game under their totalitarian laws and adjust and adapt to ensure our motto Run Silent, Run Deep.

The organisation campaigns on many different issues and spreads thoughts and ideas across the country that others pick up and make it their mission. Their campaigns are running across the UK, and the British Movement has done this by thinking and highlighting it in the public space. People don’t even realize that the British Movement has had a part in this because that’s the way it has to be. It’s just a matter of playing the long wait game.

Have you had to endure any problems or difficulties because of your involvement and political work?

Problems are just obstacles in the way, it’s how you deal with them that matters. Since the beginning of 1997, we have endured the state political police using dirty tricks to try, in any way they can, to silence us. So you learn to live with it and look for alternatives to get our music and our thoughts out.

I have been assaulted countless times, threatened by the police, defamed, stopped and detained, thrown into immigration cells in America and Greece. We’ve had guns pressed to our heads in Germany, had armed escorts to planes. Had concerts that were gassed in Germany, armed police in Spain and Germany have searched hotels we were at. Handcuffed and interrogated and hunted along with the other guys in the band.

Banned from studios due to pressure from left-wing communists, we were written about in newspapers and one newspaper even had helicopters following me and the band. But at least you know that I can look them in the eye and smile at them because I know, and they know that none of these threats will stop me or the band from doing what we believe is right. Are they really so afraid of us that they had to ban us from traveling to America or Europe? Are they really so scared that they have to ban us from all social media? Are they really so scared that people just stop and think for a moment?

They can ban us but that doesn’t stop the amount of support our cause has. People can find us and eventually do. Even people on the left have spoken out about how we have been treated, knowing that it will be them next time they are no longer of any use to the enemy.

You are in two podcasts, ” Under the Sunwheel” and “Not On Our Watch.”. How has the response been to these podcasts?

Both podcasts have been amazing for me to work with. I have learned so much during the time I have been involved with them. They are both interesting because they bring up topics that no one else seems to be talking about. It has made it easier for people to hear exactly what is happening in the UK and around the world. I wish I was doing this full time with my colleague Steve. He’s an intelligent, intellectual person with a different perspective than me, because I’m more of a grassroots person who tells it like it is.

We have always described the podcasts as two friends talking about the real issues affecting our country and its people. Raise awareness of issues that the media and also wise people in and around nationalist organisations do not mention. We have had some technical issues, but hopefully they will be resolved soon, as the programs are an important thing for many to keep track of what is really happening out there.

What do you know about the national movement in Sweden?

I have been over to Sweden a number of times over the years and always had good friends from there. I love the camaraderie I encountered there. Over the years I have known many Swedes, and many have come to England to visit. What I have always encountered has always been the honesty and hard work that individuals have put into the movement. I have had many good evenings and weekends in the company of Swedes. I have also found the movement to look well organized with good sincere people committed to the cause. Ready to fight for his history and the future of his nation. I hope one day we will be able to get back there and play again because I feel our mission is far from done.

Do you have something you want to say to our readers?

I want to say a big thank you from all of us in the band to all of you who have supported us and continue to do so. Your support is what most bands would die for and this is what makes you a cut above the rest. When we last came to Sweden to play, we met a 15-year-old boy who didn’t have any money to get into the concert, so we took him and some of his friends in. So welcome these young people in. Help them and take care of them, make it more accessible, because this is what matters. Show them that they are important and guide them and protect them. Your fight is our fight and you are all part of our Whitelaw family.


Top Image: Reproduced with thanks to Nordfront.

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