Not On Our Watch August 2024

not on our watch aug 2024

Welcome to the August 2024 episode of the British Movement podcast, Not On Our Watch. After the dreadful murders in Southport and the anti-immigration riots that followed, Benny and Steve have plenty to get off their chests.

This edition also features an exclusive new track from Brutal Attack and classic songs from Whitelaw and Skrewdriver. The podcast closes with Thought Control by the Bully Boys.

23 August 2024. Running time: 1:19:43.

The British Movement welcomes articles for possible inclusion on this site from members and supporters across the North of England. Please remember that we have to operate within the laws of this country; we will not include any content that is against the current laws of the United Kingdom. News reports should be topical and relevant to the regions covered by this website.

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