Petulance, Throat Cutting And Fake Lists

Sir Mark Rowley

Sir Mark Rowley, the Metropolitan Police Chief, has praised the ‘show of unity from communities’ last night as ‘fears of extreme-right’ riots were, in his view, quelled by counter-protests and the police presence.

Rowley is a particularly uninspiring individual. TV footage of him exiting the first COBRA meeting last week captured the Met Police Commissioner behaving like a petulant child by grabbing and throwing to the floor a reporter’s microphone. No doubt he had been given the hard word by Captain Mannering, sorry, Starmer.

Yesterday’s ‘no-show’ by the so-called ‘far right’ was seized upon by our glorious leader and his sycophants with a mixture of relief and gloating. Now I don’t want to be the one to burst their bubble, but it was obvious to any thinking person that the ‘list’ was fake and was intended to cause maximum embarrassment and discomfort to the government, police, and the anti-racist lobby.

Why on earth would any patriot turn up to protest about immigration, only to be arrested by our politized police, desperate to please their masters in Downing Street? Only the wannabe working-class warriors in FLAF (Football Lads Against Fascism), a tiny off-shoot of Antifa, recognised that it was fake early yesterday.

In a Facebook post, they wrote, “Hundreds mobilised against handfuls. Let’s hope those who responded to the blunderbuss call to action have the stamina for this on a weekly, if not daily basis, now that the left are allowing the fascists to call the shots on our behalf.

“The fash have the stamina for a long war. Do you?

“Already there are great declarations of victory being made; a left that couldn’t muster numbers to challenge the far-right at the weekend are now hailing victory over an enemy that never had any intention of mobilising large numbers today.”

Hope Not Hate, the cash cow of Nick Lowles, rather belatedly came out after the event and said that the list was fake. A case of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted, Nick.

Reactionary rags like the Daily Mail and the Daily Express praised the counter-demonstrators, even though the very people they were praising carried placards emblazoned with the Socialist Workers Party name (a Trotskyite organisation), on each one. Others were chanting pro-Palestine slogans and wearing face masks. How very wholesome.

Finally, at one of the counter protests praised by Rowley, a Dartford Labour Councillor named Ricky Jones said anti-immigration protesters were ‘disgusting Nazi fascists and we need to cut all their throats and get rid of them all.’ This call for mass murder was cheered and applauded by the other ‘decent’ protesters in attendance.

Jones, who appears to be of mixed race, has been suspended from the Labour Party and interviewed by the police.


Top Image: Katie Chan, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
Lower Image: X (Twitter).

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