Protest Against Immigration By Becoming A ‘NIMBY’

stop immigration by becoming a NIMBY!

An article by council insider and Nationalist contributor ‘Frustrated’.

Although the British people voted in the EU referendum and several general elections to reduce immigration to the ‘tens of thousands’, both the Tories and Labour still allow mass immigration.

Britain’s acute shortage of affordable homes results from mass immigration. Our current supply of newly built homes cannot match demand from our soaring population, which drives up house prices. One way to address our housing and homeless crisis is to reduce demand for homes by stopping immigration, but our new Labour government is ideologically opposed to even reducing mass immigration!

Indeed, Tony Blair’s adviser, Andrew Neather, revealed in his 2009 article in the London Evening Standard, that it is now the Labour Party’s “driving political purpose” to use mass immigration to replace Britain’s native White population with an increasingly ethnically diverse non-white “truly multicultural” population!

The Tories continued Labour’s mass immigration policy, so Britain’s increasingly diverse population has grown by ten million since 1997. So we rightly voted out the Conservatives, but now Labour are back! Labour does not care about our young people being unable to afford a home. If they did, they would stop immigration to reduce demand. Labour’s response to homelessness is to accelerate the building of millions of new houses on green belt land, ruining the lives of homeowners in rural communities.

Labour’s new Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, promised that Labour will build 1.5 million new homes over the next five years. They will do this by reintroducing mandatory housing targets for local authorities and by changing the planning system to stop ‘NIMBYS’ stalling local development.

Labour’s huge house building plans will rightly alarm homeowners in semi-rural areas of England. In Salford, the community in the village of Boothstown has suffered due to Salford’s soaring population. Rural life in the sleepy little village of is being ruined by the need to build new houses.

The 2021 census revealed that Salford’s population soared by 15.4% to 269,900 from only 233,000 in 2011. Moreover, the Labour Council’s ‘diversity drive’ is changing the ethnic face of Salford, with the number of non-whites more than doubling from only 23,000 in 2011 to nearly 48,000 in 2021.

In 2023, as part of the Labour Council’s ‘diversity drive’ to replace native White Salfordians with non-white immigrants, the Salford mayor, Paul Dennett, played a key role in securing Salford the ‘prestigious’ award of becoming a welcoming ‘City of Sanctuary’ for ‘refugees’ and illegal immigrants. But such population growth, driven mostly by immigration, is worsening an already dire homeless crisis in Salford, creating enormous pressure to build more houses on former green belt land.

Boothstown ‘village’ residents latest concern is a proposed scheme by Peel Land to build 295 new houses on a patch of land next to RHS Garden Bridgewater, just outside Boothstown. The developer says that new homes are needed to tackle the urgent shortage of housing in Salford. Land designated for the proposed new homes falls under Salford’s green belt, but it is set to be released under a Greater Manchester wide scheme to boost house building – the Places for Everyone plan.

RHS Garden Bridgewater – threatened by Labour’s housing plans.

The Places for Everyone (meaning Labour’s immigrants) plan could see up to 28,000 houses built around Salford, and it was described as ‘critical’ for the city’s future by the Labour mayor, Paul Dennett. However, Boothstown residents argue that there are not enough schools, doctors or dentists in their village.

Furthermore, there is already severe traffic congestion affecting their village, and they simply cannot handle a sudden further influx of another 1000 people into their community. They are worried that their little village will be swallowed up by huge new housing developments.

This scenario of White rural residents coming into conflict with Labour’s development diversity drive will be repeated all over England as our population soars. I feel that native Britons should resist immigration (and Labour) by opposing building on the green-belt by becoming militant NIMBYS!


Top Image: Stock image.
Lower Image: Facebook.

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