Today, less than 1 in 10 of our Members of Parliament have been manual workers. Over 75% of current MPs are graduates, increasing from 40% between the wars. Many today have never had a real job, leaving university and going straight into politics as researchers and advisors. It has long been said that our MPs are the best that money can buy. Two current scandals involving Tory and Labour Party MPs show exactly the type of people running our country.
Angela Rayner – Deputy Labour leader
The allegations surrounding Angela Rayner and her council house just won’t go away. Labour’s deputy leader is being investigated by Greater Manchester Police (GMP) over whether she gave false information about her main residence a decade ago.
The dispute centres on whether Rayner paid the correct amount of tax on the 2015 sale of her council house on Vicarage Road in Stockport. She was registered to vote at the property, thus she did not have to pay capital gains tax of almost £1,500. She made a profit of £48,500 on the sale.
Rayner insists she did not live with her husband, Mark Rayner, a mile away on Lowndes Lane after they married in 2010. The Tory media have jumped on the issue, even producing photo’s of soft furnishings in her home to prove her a liar.
A former neighbour branded her a “f****** liar” for claiming she did not live with her husband before becoming an MP. “She definitely lived at that house. She can’t say she didn’t live there. I would swear on the Bible to that.” A former aide of Rayner’s, Matt Finnegan, also disputed her account in a police statement.
William Wragg – Conservative MP and vice-chair of the 1922 Committee
Homosexual Tory MP William Wragg said he was ‘mortified’ after handing over colleagues’ numbers to a man he met on the seedy Grindr* homosexual dating app. Wragg sent ‘intimate’ pictures of himself to his friend, no doubt hoping to impress him and then meet up for sex. He said he provided the contact details after he feared the man had “compromising things on me”. Presumably, he is speaking of the close-up pictures of his genitalia that he sent to a stranger.
In healthier times, homosexuals were banned from the armed forces for precisely this reason; they are open to blackmail. Wragg, who was on the right of the Tory party, shamefully betrayed his colleagues and put their security at risk. What a pathetic individual Wragg is. And he is exactly the sort of creature who infests all of the old gang political parties.
His parents must be so proud.
*According to Wikipedia, Grindr is targeted at gay and bisexual men, plus confused transgender people. Its founder and former CEO is Joel Simkhai, himself a homosexual, who was born in Tel Aviv, Israel, but moved with his family to New York when he was three-years-old. He has two brothers, who are also gay.
Top Image: British Movement Northern Ai.
Lower Image: Angela Rayner. BM Northern Ai.
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