Running Scared: Leeds Police Flee From Rioters

harehills riots

Last night, on a warm Thursday evening, there was a serious disturbance in the Harehills area of Leeds, with up to 1,000 people taking part in the riot, resulting in a police car being overturned and a bus being set ablaze. Residents were advised to remain indoors while authorities addressed the “serious disorder incident.”

The Harehills area is dominated by back-to-back and through-terrace houses. It was overwhelmingly White working-class, with a large number of pubs and workingmen’s clubs. The famous Montague Burton’s factory was the main employer in the area, employing 10,500 locals at its peak.

Burtons was responsible for manufacturing a quarter of the British military uniforms made during World War II, and by the war’s end, they had produced a third of the demobilisation clothing, including the iconic ‘demob suit’. The area is also close to St. James’s Hospital, popularly known as Jimmy’s. It is one of the United Kingdom’s most famous hospitals due to its coverage on television.

Recent decades have seen a very large number of immigrants move into the area, firstly Pakistani’s, and more recently, the Roma. Initial reports seem to indicate the rioting started after authorities received warnings that a 7-month-old child had been treated at the nearby St. James’s Hospital for a head injury. Social media posts seemed to indicate that the child had fallen out of a window while the parents were at work.

Social workers arrived to take the child and its siblings into protective custody for their own safety. The police were called to Luxor Street at 5pm to address a disturbance between agency workers and children. Local residents then attacked the police, destroying the police car and forcing them to flee.

A West Yorkshire Police statement said that they are addressing a serious disorder incident by ‘deploying specialised public order resources’ after a double-decker bus was set on fire and a police vehicle was overturned. The police also emphasised that they would take strong legal action against those responsible for the incident.

The situation led to the police withdrawing from the area at midnight, leaving local businesses, drivers and the indigenous population at the mercy of the rioters for at least two hours. This is utter cowardice and an example of two-tier policing at its worst when it comes to immigrant mobs.

No injuries have been reported, with the police adding they believe the disorder was “instigated by a criminal minority intent on disrupting community relations.” No doubt that statement was drafted by some woke, high-ranking officer who has been thoroughly trained in Diversity, Equality and Inclusion.

Our new Labour Home Secretary, Castleford and Pontefract MP Yvette Cooper, said she had been left “appalled” by the scenes of unrest, amid what officers described as ‘pockets of disorder’. While in opposition, Cooper was infamously photographed holding a placard stating, “Refugees Welcome Here.”

Interestingly, the image below shows the newly elected Green Party councillor for Harehill & Gipton, Mr. Mothin Ali, out on the streets of Harehills during the rioting. The image (right) purports to show a police officer who featured in one of our early posts, during which an autistic teenager was arrested in her own home for saying to her mother, “I think she’s a lesbian like Nana.”

View the Lesbian Nana post here >>


Top Image: Social Media.
Main Video: YouTube.
All other images and videos: Social Media.

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