Selective Left-Wing Journalism In Rotherham

Rotherham, South Yorkshire

A focus for the political left, no mention of Asian grooming gangs but plenty of focus on the 2024 summer riot.

In a recent article on the BM Northern region website, the multiracial, multicultural reality of Sheffield was examined in some detail. The focus on South Yorkshire continues with this critical look at a highly selective piece of left-wing journalism in the mainstream media. It is a long-established tactic of the political Left to seek to direct public attitudes and to control the direction of the political narrative.

The Guardian – Journal supplement, Friday 27th December 2024.

“Far-right riots leave Rotherham shaken and confused.”
The headline to the article is in itself an insight into how the left seeks to impose their ideological position on a complex and volatile reaction to intolerable pressures being imposed on the British White working class communities. Given that the events being analysed in December 2024 took place months before, the actual date being Sunday, August 1st, 2024.

It will come as no surprise to regular readers of BM Northern region articles that the Guardian article gives plenty of column space to the thoughts and opinions of a local anti-racism activist, Phil Turner, a member of the Rotherham branch of the organisation ‘Stand Up To Racism’ (SUTR).

Quoted below:
“Phil Turner, 72, from the local Stand Up To Racism group, who was there hoping to protect the asylum seekers inside the hotel, says it was not abundantly clear that it was not just a protest that simply got out of hand.”

Without challenging any of the SUTR activist’s statements, without offering any solid evidence, the Guardian article continued to quote him.

“A lot of the people there, he says, ‘are rooted in fascism; they’re hardcore.” This was selective journalism, particularly when the subject of the grooming (rape) gangs has resurfaced over the Labour Government’s refusal to establish a national inquiry into the Pakistani Muslim dominated rape gangs in Oldham or a national inquiry with full judicial powers to examine the Grooming/Rape Gangs scandal on a national scale affecting more than 50 towns.

The Guardian article of December 2024, has no mention of the two decades of Grooming/Rape Gang activity centred on Rotherham, no mention of the political corruption, police failings, or political pressure on law enforcement to ignore the reality of the grooming gangs, the Pakistani Muslim rapists and traffickers of vulnerable, often underage, White working class girls.

When the grooming gang situation in Rotherham was initially being investigated, one civil service worker who questioned the mainstream political narrative and spoke out about the ethnic and religious background of the grooming gang rapists was censured by her superiors and forced to attend a ‘racial awareness’ training course to “challenge” her apparently ‘racist’ assumptions.

Instead, throughout the Guardian article was the repeated mantra of how terrible it was for the poor ‘asylum-seekers’ when the ‘racists’ attacked the hotel. “One of the 250 people trapped inside was a friend of Turner’s. He had to hold a plastic bag round his face to stop the fumes getting to him. They really thought they were going to die.” Terrified staff were forced to barricade the doors as rioters entered the hotel.”

Note that there were at least 250 ‘asylum seekers’ in the hotel at Manvers; the majority were all men of fighting age, yet the Guardian reader is expected to believe that they were all hiding behind locked doors.

The Guardian laid it on thick, still quoting the anti-fascist veteran, “I’ve been on anti-fascist protests since the 70’s and I’ve never known that level of violent intent.” Given the levels of violence dished out against British Nationalists by the likes of ANAL, Red Action or Antifa, at anti-fascist protests, that statement is a bit hard to believe.

Plus, “In living memory nobody’s seen that type of targeting of asylum seekers and Muslims…. They would have killed people inside, I think, if they’d been able to.”


The political journalists of the mainstream media are well known for their persistent complaints about “disinformation” or “misinformation” and the distortion of reporting by the so-called ‘far-right,’ but this article on a riot in the outskirts of Rotherham, while totally ignoring the years if not decades of crimes in Rotherham by grooming/rape gangs as a possible motive for some of the violence outside the migrant hotel, is truly manipulated reporting of the news.

Again and again the quoted article sought to generate sympathy and support for the asylum seekers in the hotel at Manvers, also ignoring the small matter that these were all illegal immigrants, young men who had entered Britain illegally and were housed there at taxpayers expense, often receiving far better health care and accommodation than many of those “rioting” outside.

“It was in the early hours of the morning, when the unrest had calmed, that the asylum seekers were taken to safety. All of the men now all live outside the area, some hundreds of miles away from Rotherham.” In other words, all the riots succeeded in doing was to assist the Home Office with its ‘Operation Scatter’ and disperse the migrants across the country.

The veteran ‘anti-fascist’ activist was of course referenced several times for his words of wisdom. “If the fascists think they’re getting somewhere, which they must feel, given what’s happened in the last year, this is the time for them to grow….. We’ve got to make sure that we do everything we can to stop that.”

So there is the underlying message from the Left. They ignore the cruel, brutal reality of the rape gangs, but want to stop any reaction against the consequences of mass immigration and multiculturalism. Readers can be sure that the mainstream media will try to push out ‘balance’ in all reports on Rotherham, never failing to remind people about the ‘far-right riot’ at Manvers in the summer of 2024.

Rotherham and the scandal of years of activity by Asian rape gangs is the festering wound that will not go away, no matter what strategies the political Left and their mainstream media allies seek to employ to distract attention away.


All Images: Stock photographs.

The British Movement welcomes articles for possible inclusion on this site from members and supporters across the North of England. Please remember that we have to operate within the laws of this country; we will not include any content that is against the current laws of the United Kingdom. News reports should be topical and relevant to the regions covered by this website.

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