Why homesteading is important in the national socialist struggle
We find ourselves in a world where everything from our food, water, money, housing and electricity is all controlled by the system and private corporations that put profits before the needs of the folk and nation. This has brought us to the over-industrialised society we find ourselves in now, a society that destroys the health and beauty of our nation and folk.
So how can we fight back?
We don’t need to run to the woods and set up a homestead to fight back; it can be as simple as growing your own food in small pots and having a compost bin for kitchen waste to make your own compost or having a few chickens in the garden for fresh eggs and meat or collecting rainwater in water butts to use in the garden is a great way to cut out the water companies. But even if you don’t have the space, you can grow vegetables and herbs on the windowsill and have small solar panels to make your own electricity and store it on power banks.
A small raised bed garden can produce more food than your family can use, so bartering vegetables, eggs and work is a great way to get other products you may need and to help the folk in your community.
A woodstove with a boiler is a great way to heat water and the house through the central heating system and can be used to cook on, which cuts out the power company’s and wood’s is a renewable source. With the right woodland management, it will give you an endless supply of wood to use.
Land and planning
Land in the UK is designated in categories from freehold to pastureland, commercial, agricultural and residential. It is possible to change the use of the land, but it is not easy. So when looking to buy land, look for freehold when possible, then it comes to the insane planning permissions.
If you decide not to go through the planning process and build without it, you would need to live in the dwelling for 10 years before it is legal, and the dwelling must be a fixed cabin or structure. Caravans do not count, and you must not conceal the dwellings. If you go this way, be polite to the community and help out neighbours to avoid people reporting you to the council.
Hunting is another great way to get meat. Local farms and private woodlands with the landowner’s permission are great for rabbits and wood pigeons as dissidents; we can’t get a shotgun or firearms licence, but sub 12 ft/lb air rifles and slingshots are still legal and more than capable of humanely dispatching rabbits and pigeons.
You can also sell the rabbits to local butchers. If you want to hunt in the UK, you must have the landowner’s permission, and I would advise you to get insurance through BASC. This will give you legal cover.
Main Image: BM North West.
Lower Image: Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash.
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