Starmer’s New Emergency Powers

starmer's enabling law

Following the conclusion of an emergency meeting of the Government’s COBRA committee, our latest puppet Prime Minister has declared a raft of new measures to halt the rising anger among patriotic Britons over the attacks on our people by first and second-generation immigrants.

At 4pm on Thursday, August 1, 2024, at a hastily-arranged press conference, Starmer tried to play the man-of-action leader determined to put a stop to indigenous citizens venting their anger at recent events. The PM was no doubt still smarting over hecklers ruining his photo opportunity in Southport, making him cut short his visit and beat a hasty retreat.

It must be remembered that it was only four weeks ago that Starmer and his Labour Party were celebrating with champagne their election victory over the reactionary Tories. They say that a week is a long time in politics, but how quickly things have gone from bad to worse for this bunch red progressives.

In those 28 days, we have seen:

Pro-Palestinian marches and demo’s continuing to take place in our towns and cities;
An army officer, in uniform, stabbed near his barracks in Gillingham, Kent;
Riots and violence in the ‘diverse’ Leeds suburb of Harehills, after social services intervened and removed Roma children who they believed were at risk. The rioting that followed led to the police abandoning the area and leaving law-abiding citizens at the mercy of the mob;
3 children murdered in a “ferocious” knife attack at a children’s dance workshop in sleepy Southport, allegedly by a 17-year-old whose parents were asylum seekers from Rwanda. Five children and two adults were also stabbed;
Several hundred men were believed to be involved as Bangladeshis clashed in Whitechapel, London, as rioters hurl missiles at police and smashed cars after 10 were killed in anti-government riots in Dhaka;
Violence broke out in Southend as thugs armed with machetes were involved in a fight and hundreds of black teenagers filled the city;
Concerned citizens took to the streets in a number of towns, including, Southport, Manchester, London, Hartlepool and Aldershot to protest at the murders in Southport, met by heavy-handed policing, leading to justified claims of two-tier policing.

At a press conference in Downing Street, the prime minister said “fear is an understandable reaction” to the Southport attack, but called on everyone to give families the space to grieve and authorities time to do their job.

“There will be a time for questions and we will make sure that the victims and families are at the heart of that process,” he said.

“Let me now turn to the actions of a tiny, mindless minority in our society, because in the aftermath of the attack, the community of Southport had to suffer twice.

“A gang of thugs got on trains and buses, went to a community that is not their own, a community grieving the most horrific tragedy, and then proceeded to throw bricks at police officers – police officers who just 24 hours earlier had been having to deal with an attack on children in their community.”

After this week’s so-called far-right riots, he declared that a new national violent disorder unit will be established to crack down on rioters. The majority of the demonstrators were, in fact, locals who had simply had enough.

Starmer announced a number of new, draconian policies, including:

A new Stasi-type police force that will monitor anyone they deem to be ‘far-right’.
Travel bans on political activists.
Facial recognition technology to be used against patriots.
Threatening to make social media companies pay closer attention to posts.
Criminalising legitimate protests.

Predictably, there was no mention of how he plans to stop innocent white girls from being raped and murdered.


Top Image: compilation. Prime Ministers office and court artist.

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