The Aftermath To The Southport Atrocity

UK riots 2024

The following post was ready for publication late last week but was delayed by other pressing commitments. We are posting it now with apologies to the poster and our readers.

British anger rises up in Hartlepool, Manchester, Aldershot and central London. (And as we go to press – last night in Sunderland).

The horrendous mass stabbing of little girls and two adults at the Hart Centre dance studio in Southport not only led to an outbreak of ‘public disorder’ in Southport, with all the media condemnation and mainstream political condemnation, but it also triggered outbreaks of public rage in other parts of the country, most widely reported in Hartlepool, Manchester and central London, with a less reported protest in Aldershot, Hampshire.

As noted in an earlier article on British Movement Northern region, the Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer is stepping up the manufactured outrage of the political establishment and is promising to create a ‘national unit to tackle violent disorder’.

The Labour Home Secretary Yvette Cooper stood up the House of Commons, solemn faced, as she reported on the horrendous mass stabbing of children in Southport, but then switched expressions, smirking with unconcealed pleasure at being not only able to denounce the ‘Far-Right’ but now as Home Secretary she can turn that into action.

No doubt Home Secretary Cooper is relishing the idea of the Prime Minister’s new initiative the ‘national capability’, with its political police element being unleashed on the hated forces of British Nationalism that Cooper has always opposed. Now she has the means and the manpower to crush her political enemies on the ‘far-right’.

Some national news media journalists shared the Home Secretary’s glee in Starmer’s response and headlined their reports in this way; ‘We will be watching you’: Home Office warns thugs plotting disorder will face ‘full force of the law’ as Britain braces for summer of unrest with more rallies planned this weekend in wake of Southport stabbings.

The PM warned social media bosses they had a responsibility to deal with the spread of misinformation online, which has helped fuel this week’s violence. And he said a new National Violent Disorder Programme would help gather intelligence about potential violent gatherings, including monitoring rail ticket sales. Ministers fear that public anger over the Southport killings could erupt into violent outbreaks all over the country. One Labour MP in the Greater Manchester area described the mood in his own constituency as a ‘tinderbox’.”

It is worth noting from the first mainstream media reports to come out of Southport on Monday afternoon, the emphasis was “this incident is not terrorism related”, and this was repeated over the next twenty-four hours again and again, especially in statements from Merseyside Police. But later in the week, the official statement given by the Chief Constable of Merseyside Police after the first court appearance of the accused teenager, the wording had changed to; “Merseyside Police were continuing their investigations in co-operation with partners in Lancashire Police and Counter-Terrorism Police North-West”. There was no explanation as to why counter-terrorism were involved, given that earlier statements claimed that the crime was not terrorism related.

HARTLEPOOL – this eruption of patriotic anger received the most mainstream media attention after the coverage of the central London – Downing Street demonstration. The mainstream media appear to be keen to make a special case out of Hartlepool quoting in full police reports;

“Cleveland Police said in a statement: “We are dealing with disorder following a protest in Hartlepool that began this evening (Wednesday 31 July).
“At around 6pm those attending the protest began to throw items on Murray Street.
“Officers who have been deployed – including support from neighbouring forces – are currently dealing with criminal behaviour including missiles, glass bottles and eggs being thrown at them, with several suffering minor injuries.
“At this stage there has been four arrests for various offences including public order and affray and they have been taken to custody.
“There are a number of road closures in and around Murray Street including Sherriff Street, Grange Road, Sandringham Road and Duke Street.
“Members of the public are advised to please avoid the area.”

“Chief Superintendent David Sutherland said: “We currently have a high policing presence while officers respond to disorder that is taking place in Hartlepool following a protest that began this evening.
“At this stage we believe the protest is in connection with the incident in Southport earlier this week.
“Our officers are facing missiles, glass bottles and eggs being thrown at them and have made arrests as they remain in the area to protect the safety of those living in the community.”

He added: “These events do not represent what Hartlepool is or the values that our people hold. Violence is never the answer.”

Regional news sources, Teesside Live and ITV News Tyne Tees and the Northern Echo were quick to point the blame and repeated directly statements from Cleveland Police;
“Cleveland Police said 11 other people were arrested on Wednesday evening in connection with the disorder during which officers were attacked with missiles, glass bottles and eggs in the County Durham town. The arrests included seven men, one juvenile and one woman, with ages between 14 and 54, on suspicion of offences including violent disorder and assaulting an emergency worker, according to the force. During the violence, which involved about 150 people meeting at the Cenotaph and descending on Murray Street and the surrounding area, four police officers suffered minor injuries.

“Before the protest, officers identified the suspected organiser and arrested a 51-year-old man from Hartlepool on suspicion of distributing written materials to stir up racial hatred. An 11-year-old boy has been arrested on suspicion of arson after a police vehicle was set alight during a violent protest in Hartlepool in the wake of the Southport stabbing. Cleveland Police said it will maintain a visible presence in the area to reassure and protect the community.”

It should come as no surprise that the news media are pushing the multicultural agenda and are playing the race card on behalf of the ethnic minority communities with headlines like; “Racism normalised’ as Teesside Muslims question safety over riots in Hartlepool The Muslim community in Middlesbrough is questioning how safe they are following a night of riots in nearby Hartlepool.”

“One man told ITV News Tyne Tees his wife was “too scared” to leave the house this morning and another said “racism is now normalised again”.

Amjid Khazir, who runs Media Cultured, an organisation promoting social cohesion and inclusion by holding anti-racism and anti-radicalisation workshops at schools, colleges, sports clubs and businesses, said it “feels like a return to the “bad old days” of the 80s.”

He told ITV News there has been a rise in tensions since the 7 October Hamas attack on Israel, adding: “The anti-Muslim, the anti-Pakistani comments that you hear, racist abuse, it almost feels like we’re back to those dark days of the 80s and 90s, where racism is now normalised again, and especially towards Muslims.

“Not just from the kind of content that we see online, but actual on-the-street racial abuse. Be that verbal or physical, it is manifesting more and more, right across the North East and especially in Teesside.”

And of course this: “Asian man punched in ‘racist attack’ while walking through Hartlepool riots. Disturbing footage has emerged of an Asian man being assaulted in an apparent racially-motivated attack during riots in Hartlepool on Wednesday evening”.

There was no suggestion of course, that the “Asian man” could have deliberately and provocatively walked into the crowd that was gathered to protest outside the local mosque. And “Tahir Selby, imam at the Nasir Mosque, said police had diverted protesters away from the place of worship on Brougham Terrace. A fundraiser, set up to “show appreciation” for the mosque, saw its initial target of £200 surpassed in 15 minutes. The current total has risen to more than £10,000.”

On Thursday, all six Labour MPs in the Tees Valley issued a statement condemning the “thuggish” criminal behaviour seen in Hartlepool on Wednesday night. “We will not be divided in our shared determination to ensure that all our communities can live in peace and safety,” the statement said.

Assistant Chief Constable David Felton said: “This is very much a live investigation and we are continuing to work to identify those involved in the disorder yesterday evening and bring them to justice. Disorder of this kind will not be tolerated, and those found to be involved will be robustly dealt with.”

At least the media are honest enough to recognise that this activity is a direct result of the Southport atrocity. “The violence came after riots in Southport on Tuesday and further disorder in London, Aldershot and Manchester on Wednesday.”

Finally, note this sinister footnote from Cleveland Police, this is straight out of the old East German Stasi operational manual, “If you have information, dash cam or mobile footage relating to the disorder, please call Cleveland Police.” In other words, you can be a secret informer for the State, someone should remind them that nobody likes a grass!

Meanwhile, in Manchester:

Newton Heath – on the Oldham Road.
Not as much media hype as the outbreak of disorder in Hartlepool, but enough to set the local and regional news media off on a mad scramble to blame “far-right thugs”.

“Manchester is the latest place to see protests descend into violence after rocks were pelted at police. Demonstrators gathered outside a Holiday Inn in the Newton Heath area of the city on Wednesday night before the event spiralled into chaos as people clashed with police. A man was dragged off a bus and assaulted, while rocks and bottles were hurled at officers and eggs smashed in the road.

“Police have since confirmed that two men were arrested over the clash. Reports of a bus driver being assaulted were also being probed. The protest of around 40 people gathered at around 6pm outside the budget hotel in what’s understood to be a stance against it being used to house asylum seekers. Chants were heard of “we want our country back” and “shame on you” yelled.”

“A spokesperson for Greater Manchester Police said: “At around 6pm this evening our officers were called to reports of a demonstration on Oldham Road in Newton Heath. Local patrols supported by specialised units, were deployed and dispersed the group after objects were thrown, towards the police and public. Due to the early intervention from our officers this criminal behaviour thankfully didn’t cause any serious injury or damage.”

Not just the regional news media, but also local politicians went into full panic mode.

This morning, the Greater Manchester mayor appeared on BBC Radio Manchester to call for calm in the wake of the violence – believing the city-region is facing ‘a dangerous moment’.” And this – “Andy Burnham says he is ‘struggling to comprehend’ the ‘despicable’ violence which erupted in Newton Heath last night in the wake of the mass stabbings in Southport.

“Some 40 people, including children and young men wearing balaclavas, gathered to protest outside a hotel in the north Manchester suburb at roughly 6pm on Wednesday (Aug. 1). The demonstration turned violent as they spilled into Oldham Road and pelted police with bottles.”

And to repeat a quote we used earlier:
“One Labour MP in the Greater Manchester area described the mood in his own constituency as a ‘tinderbox’.” As this article goes out, there are indications that more patriotic protests are going to take place across the country, with a number scheduled for specific northern towns and cities.

The Police response is of course to mobilise the public order squads, even if there is no disorder, the two-tier policing will ensure that the police response is heavy handed towards patriots and Nationalists, but will soft pedal towards the self-styled Anti-racist counter protests.

NOTE: As this goes out, there were outbreaks of “disorder” in the centre of Sunderland last night, all of which is being blamed by the media and the political Left on “Far-Right thugs” etc. Saturday August 3rd 2024 will see widespread protests across the country about the Southport atrocity, about uncontrolled illegal immigration, ‘Stop the Boats’ and the Islamification of some parts of Britain.

The White working class British are taking to the streets, there is anger and frustration, and the Left’s great multicultural experiment is starting to fracture. For those who are interested in voicing their patriotic political opinions, listed below are the Northern towns and cities that BM has been notified that will see demonstrations over the coming week:
St Helens
More may be added, some may be withdrawn but take care out there – BRITAIN AWAKE!


All Images: Facebook.
Video: YouTube.

The British Movement welcomes articles for possible inclusion on this site from members and supporters across the North of England. Please remember that we have to operate within the laws of this country; we will not include any content that is against the current laws of the United Kingdom. News reports should be topical and relevant to the regions covered by this website.

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