The Liverpool Car Bombing

Liverpool womens hospital car bombing

Who Was the Bomber and What Exactly Happened?

The details of the car bombers life and origins are still emerging, but what is known so far provides an interesting insight into how ‘asylum-seekers’ to Britain operate.

Initially all the reports suggested that the bomber was of “Middle-Eastern” appearance and the BBC in particular in its Monday, November 15th reports kept repeating the statement that, “He is believed to be of Middle-Eastern origins but is a convert to Christianity”.

Later in the week we are told by various mass media outlets that the bomber was a Syrian, asylum-seeker, only for this to change and by Thursday November 18th the police were stating that he was born in Iraq.

The final version of the origins of Emad Al Swealmeen demonstrates the itinerant nature of the population of the Middle East and equally demonstrates why British Government officials especially those at the Home Office concerned with matters of immigration and asylum-seekers should take these people’s claims of nationality with a ‘pinch of salt’.

It has now been established that Emad Al Swealmeen was born in Iraq to a Jordanian family, so technically he is Jordanian. But his family settled in the United Arab Emirates(UAE) in 1996. In 2009 he left the UAE for Syria, but then moved on to Turkey where he first applied for asylum claiming to be Syrian!

Eventually he arrived in the UK, so far it is not clear how he got here, but in 2014 he applied for asylum in the United Kingdom and it was refused. As is typical in such cases he appealed against the decision, but in late 2015 a tribunal rejected his application appeal. So far there has been no official announcement as to why he was not ordered to leave the UK.

Although he was officially now classed as a “failed asylum-seeker”, Emad Al Swealmeen continued to live in the Liverpool area, how he existed financially is not clear, but at some point between 2016 and 2017 he was detained under the Mental Health Act for “a knife incident” (whatever that might mean).

Still resident in Liverpool after his release, in 2017 Emad Al Swealmeen converted to Christianity, the Anglican variety, and was befriended by various British Christian members of the local community. He now changed his name to Enzo Almeni as evidence of his ‘Christian faith’ and some people in the neighbourhood began to believe that he was in fact Italian!

He was living at various addresses in the Kensington and Sefton Park districts of Liverpool. It is unclear at the time of writing how exactly he was supporting himself or paying his rent, but he shared various addresses living in multi-occupancy houses with other ‘asylum-seekers’ and ‘refugees’, his house mates were listed as being Ethiopian, Syrian and Sudanese.

According to a report in the ‘Liverpool Echo’, from 2018 to 2019 he was a registered adult student at the City of Liverpool College on a cake decorating course. How a failed asylum-seeker was able to register as a student and how his course fees were paid for remains unclear. It was also during this period that his fellow Christian worshippers at Liverpool Anglican Cathedral lost contact with him.

In January 2021 “Enzo Almeni” renewed his immigration appeal, six years after his original application as Elmad Al Swealmeen was refused. On November 14th 2021, Emad Al Swealmeen aka Enzo Almeni was killed when a home-made bomb he was carrying detonated. Why does the ‘official’ narrative keep changing?

Various accounts of what the BBC initially described as a “possible terrorist incident” have emerged from the mainstream media, the Home Office, Merseyside Police and the grandly titled ‘Counter Terrorism Police North-West’.

The media have tried to play down the significance of this car bomb and have repeatedly called for “A city united” and that Liverpool’s Muslim Community should be respected, “ It is essential that this community is supported and listened to now and in the future,” and typically for the committed multi-culturalists, “Scousers in all their diversity will play their part.” All this backed by a repeated parroting of the leftist mantra, “ there is more that unites us than divides us.”

The Labour Party front bench MP Johnathan ashworth actually sent condolensces to the family of the car bomber, and Liverpool Labour Party officials, including the Mayor Joanne Anderson have spent more time reassuring Muslims and refugees in Liverpool that they are not to blame for the bomber’s actions.

Predictably assorted Left-wing organisations have sprung into action leafleting Liverpool as part of a ‘Stop Hate UK’ campaign, allegedly defending the Liverpool Muslim community from ‘ a racist backlash.’ According to sources in Liverpool, after the police searched addresses in the Rutland Avenue area, a “significant item” (why can’t they just be clear?) was destroyed by a controlled explosion on a field at Sefton Park on Monday evening.

Once again the political police of the ‘Anti-terrorism command’, or whatever high sounding title they are currently using, failed to have this individual on their watch-list, as was the case with the jihadist who stabbed the Conservative MP David Amess to death.

For all their resources and financial input from the government, the anti-terrorism experts keep failing, and they insist on repeating that a mythical ‘Far-Right’ threat of terrorism is just as great a threat as the Islamist threat


Top Image: Rept0n1x, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

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