The Pro Info War: The First Victim of War is the Truth

controlling information

An article by council insider and correspondent ‘Frustrated’.

The first victim of war is the truth. Governments try to control information by shutting down and silencing opposing media in order to protect their PR narrative and control public opinion.

That is why, in recent years, the Iranian (Press TV) and Russian (RT) news media channels were taken off western television access because if their counter narrative was seen and heard by westerners, regarding the wars in the Middle-East and Ukraine, it would undermine public opinion and public support for the huge aid being sent to Israel and Ukraine.

Luckily, it is still possible to watch Press TV and Russia Today via the internet on ‘’ to learn their version of events regarding these really Zionist ‘American’ led wars that may cause World War 3!

Zionists also want to ban the Qatari news channel Al-Jazeera so as to hide Israel’s crimes in Gaza. For now we can still watch their brave reporter’s coverage of Israel’s ruthless ethnic cleansing war. Israel views controlling the international PR info-war as vital. So it has ‘accidentally’ killed many of Al-Jazerra’s reporters in Gaza along with hundreds of aid workers, who have also witnessed Israel’s genocidal war crimes.

Fortunately, there are many alternative news sources on the internet via ‘’ to receive information outside of the Zionist (pro-Israel) controlled narrative that is promoted by our western governments and the mainstream media, that most open-minded people realise is just propaganda and carefully doctored news footage.

Powerful Jewish advocacy groups based in the USA, such as the Anti Defamation League (ADL) and AIPAC have tried to demonise and shut down many of these independently minded reporters.
I list below some of my favourite presenters and their shows that are spread right across the political spectrum. Please watch their shows to receive their alternative views in the interests of freedom of thought and expression.

If you disagree with them, you don’t have to revisit them.

FRUSTRATED says: The selection below is my personal opinion of useful outlets – “the main thing is that your readers and visitors are informed of somewhere else they can access more Nationalist news and opinions.”

The Alex Jones Show – on his Infowars news network and also available on
Steve Bannon’s War Room on Rumble.

Nick Fuentes Show on Rumble.
The Stew Peters Show on
Dr. David Duke Show Activities on Rense Radio Human Rights Radio (

There are also various interesting shows on the Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN).
I have found that the above media outlets are a refreshing change from the anti-white output of the BBC, Channel 4, Sky TV, ITV, CNN etc.

NOTE: The above selection does not express support for the British National Socialist Movement but provide a broader Nationalist perspective.


Top Image: National Archives at College Park, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

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