Vanity, Our Glorious Leader And The Winter Fuel Payment Cuts


Sir Keir Starmer has justified his decision to halt winter fuel payments for most pensioners, despite concerns that this could lead to a potential “public health emergency.” In a speech delivered in the rose garden of Downing Street, the Prime Minister asserted that he preferred not to implement means-testing for the payment, yet acknowledged that it was a necessary “choice we had to make” in order to assist in “repairing the public finances.”

Unfortunately for Mr Starmer, it has also been revealed that while he was taking the £300 payment off our pensioners, his friend Waheed Alli, the former chairman of ASOS and a member of the House of Lords, donated £16,200 to Starmer for “work clothing” and an additional £2,485 for “multiple pairs of glasses,” as noted in the latest update to his register of interests. This is the same Lord Alli who was in the news after being given a temporary pass to 10 Downing Street after donating more than £500,000 to the Labour Party. Alli was ennobled by Tony Blair in 1998.

We’re sure that the working class pensioners sat shivering at home, too afraid to turn the heating on in case they can’t pay the bill, will understand. Let them put on another jumper or get into bed to keep warm, after all, our PM needs to look good during his ‘working’ day.

This news became public days after Starmer was seen wearing a £500 hoodie from luxury French fashion house Sandro. This hoodie retails at £519 in Harrods – and this while he was meeting voters in Brighton and pledging to tackle the cost of living crisis! Remember Rishie Sunak being criticised for wearing £200 Gucci loafers on a visit to a building site while he was PM? These people do not live in the same world as most of us

Blair, Sunak and Starmer are like peas in a pod. Fabulously wealthy politicians, brought up by middle-class parents pretending that they know what it is like to struggle on a low income. All are out of touch with the real people they claim to represent.

Remember Starmer constantly telling voters his father was a toolmaker (or the owner of a toolmaking company?) and Sunak describing the hardship of growing up in a family so poor they couldn’t afford Sky TV. His father was a GP and his mother ran her own chemists. My heart bleeds for both of them.

A new poll shows almost two-thirds of voters think the Government is more interested in serving its own interests than those of ordinary people. According to the survey, carried out by More in Common this week, Sir Keir’s personal approval rating has plunged to a record low of minus 16 – a drop of 27 points from his post-election high of plus 11.

Credits: Starmer wearing his Sandro hoodie. Compilation image.

Top Image: compilation.

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