Wakefield Rapist Jailed For 21 Years

Wakefield Rapist Trial

The case that combines several elements all opposed by British Movement: diversity, grooming of vulnerable underage girls and illegal drugs. This recent case provides a brief, unpleasant snapshot of ‘diversity’ and ‘cultural enrichment in Wakefield.

August 2024 – Grimsby Crown Court.

Initially the mainstream media reports were honest enough to state: “Vile rapist fed teens crack cocaine and cannabis so he could attack them. Nadeem Hussain has been found guilty of a number of offences.” Or, Dangerous Wakefield rapist jailed after plying teenage girls with drugs to enable vile sex attacks.

However, this was quickly changed, no doubt in the interests of ‘community cohesion’, especially when the news room editors noted the name of the convicted rapist. “Wakefield man jailed for 21 years for multiple rape offences against teenage girls.”

Although Nadeem Hussain was apparently operating as a lone predator, this case has all the elements of Asian grooming gangs; vulnerable young girls were targeted, illegal drugs were involved, and the rapist was an adult Asian male. The trial details tell a sad, familiar story.

“A Wakefield man who sexually abused two teenage girls has been jailed. Nadeem Hussain, 46, formerly of Regent Street in Wakefield, was found guilty of four counts of rape and one count of assault by penetration following a month-long trial at Grimsby Crown Court.”

The court heard the victims were aged 16 and 17 at the time of the offences, and were plied with crack cocaine and heroin that enabled Hussain to carry out his offending. He was jailed for 21 years on Thursday and made the subject of a lifetime Sexual Harm Prevention Order that will put restrictions on him following his release from prison to further protect the public.

Obviously a ‘model citizen’ with much to offer the broader community in Wakefield. The cultural enrichment brought to Wakefield by this individual is everything that British Movement is opposed to. And of course a brief, carefully managed press statement from the police. Detective Sergeant Kirsty Senior, of Wakefield District’s Child Vulnerable to Exploitation Team (CVET), said: “Hussain has groomed his victims over a lengthy period of time, plying them with heroin and crack cocaine to enable his sexual offending.

“These were vulnerable teenage girls who he exploited. The sentence he has been given reflects the fact he is a dangerous offender who deserves to be behind bars.

“This court case has been the culmination of a two-year complex investigation by CVET. Hussain refused to accept his guilt, resulting in a four-week trial and I am pleased that his victims have now got justice. That being said, no jail term can ever erase the lasting emotional, physical and psychological damage that Hussain has caused these two young girls.”

No details were released giving details of the ethnic background of the victims, but past cases suggests that these were two white working class girls from underprivileged families. No doubt some earnest left-wing social justice warrior will read this article and insist that there are plenty of cases of White sexual predators and rapists. True, but the fact is that given the population percentages in the United Kingdom, the Asian communities are over-represented in such cases, and once again, this specific case counts towards undermining the multiculturalist myth that “diversity is our strength”.


Top Image: West Yorkshire Police.

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