An article by council insider and Nationalist contributor ‘Frustrated’.
Previous posts in this series can be found here: Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four
Churchill’s 1920 Newspaper Article.
In 1920 Winston Churchill was even more outspoken than Adolf Hitler in Germany at exposing an evil international conspiracy to create “a world-wide communist state under Jewish domination.”
Following the Red terrorist assassination of Tsar Alexander II in 1881, millions of Jews fled Russia. From 1881 to 1914, around 150,000 Jewish immigrants settled in Britain, and most of these made their homes in London’s East End. Many were dissidents that wanted to see the Tsar overthrown.
The Communist enemies of the Tsar were notorious for funding their movement with armed bank heists and payroll robberies. The ruthless Communist killers that executed these heists to fund Lenin and his Bolshevik movement were known as “expropriators” and such a gang operated in London.
On January 23rd 1909, the “Tottenham Outrage” was committed by two Bolshevik Latvian Jews known as Paul Hefield and Jacob Lepidus. After doing an armed payroll robbery, they tried to flee from police by starting a shooting spree that resulted in the deaths of PC William Tyler and a 10-year-old boy named Ralph Joscelyne. Both Hefeld and Lepidus were killed during the police chase.
On December 16th, 1910, other Latvian (mostly Jewish) gang members tried to dig their way into a jeweller’s shop at Houndsditch, in London. They were disturbed by a group of unarmed police officers and in the following clash, five police officers were shot, three fatally, with a further two badly wounded. One of the gang, George Gardstein, was also accidentally shot by one of his comrades! With assistance from his comrades, he fled the scene, but died from his wounds a few days later in his tenement room.
So with the help of evidence from Gardstein’s room, and a few informants, London police captured several of the gang members over the next few weeks. On January 3rd, 1911, members of the gang were cornered whilst hiding at 100 Sidney Street. But they chose to shoot it out with the police and soldiers. During the fight the house caught fire and two charred bodies were later recovered.
In February 1910, Winston Churchill (then aged 35) had been appointed Home Secretary in the Liberal government of Herbert Asquith. Consequently, during the ‘Siege of Sidney Street’, Churchill took personal charge at the scene and called in a unit of the Scots Guards to support the police. During the shootout, a bullet went straight through Churchill’s top hat, which must have frightened him!
Seven alleged members of the gang and their accomplices were put on trial, but all were acquitted or had their charges dropped! One of the Bolsheviks acquitted was Jacob Peters who returned to Russia. After the Bolshevik Revolution, he became Felix Dzerzhinsky’s deputy of the bloody Cheka secret police!
Winston Churchill, after serving six months on the western front during the First World War, rejoined the British government in 1917. In January 1919, he became Secretary of State for War and Air. Consequently, Churchill was privy to the confidential diplomatic reports coming out of Russia, such as the September 1918 ‘Oudendyke Report’ that identified and denounced Bolshevism as a Jewish plot that threatened to engulf Europe and the world as it was “organised and worked by Jews”!
In 1919, Churchill deployed tanks and 10,000 troops to Glasgow during a period of widespread strikes and civil unrest amid fears of a Bolshevik revolution in Britain like those sweeping Europe!
So Churchill felt obliged to write his 1920 article in the ‘Illustrated Sunday Herald’ titled “Zionism versus Bolshevism, a struggle for the soul of the Jewish people.” In it he cited damning proof that ‘International’ and ‘terrorist’ “Bad Jews” were spreading their satanic Communist creed!
However, Winston Churchill praised the “National” Jews that showed their loyalty to their adopted countries such as Britain and France, as “Good Jews”. Controversially (today), Churchill also saw the Zionists who wanted to establish their own Jewish state in Palestine as “Good Jews” who should join up with the good “National” Jews to ‘combat’ the “Bad Jews” that were Communists!
Luckily, students of Sir Winston Churchill’s views on communism can read his famous article online.
Main Image: Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 8, 1920.
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